Chapter 30: Once More

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Aphmau woke up from lying down on Aaron's couch. Aaron was in the kitchen making breakfast for Aphmau. "You're awake, finally." he laughed. He was in his normal pajamas: black Nike shorts with a red line on the sides. Aphmau sat at the table. "What are you making for me?" Aphmau asked. Aaron placed a plate of pancakes shaped like shooting stars. "Aw, thank you hon." she said. Aaron walked past her and kissed her forehead. He went upstairs to change. "Hey Aaron..." Aphmau started. Aaron walked downstairs. "Yes Aphmau?" Aphmau smiled, a weird smile Aaron hasn't seen in months. "Wait....." Aphmau ran over to the TV and turned it onto Disney Channel. "Do you know what time it is?" A familiar song came on. Aphmau grabbed Aaron's hand and brought him to the living room. "You wouldn't-" "I will!" Aphmau squeaked. She and Aaron spun in circles around the house. "Born of cold and winter air and..." They stopped. "Aaron! You forgot the lyrics!" Aaron laughed. "I wasn't singing the entire time."

"Come on, we'll dance to the next one." Aphmau giggled. She sat back down at the table and Aaron sat down on the couch. "Play along with the song." Aphmau stated. Aaron looked at her. "What?!" "I said, get your guitar and play with the song. I love it when you play, and you haven't played in a long time." Aaron stood up. "Okay, so one, I have been playing, usually when you're not here, and two, I don't really know....if I know all the notes to this song..." Aphmau placed her hands on her hips. "Then you can sing with me." Aaron walked upstairs. "I'm going to go get my guitar." He came back down five minutes later, holding his guitar. "Play for me, please?" Aphmau asked. Aaron sat down and played perfectly with 'Love Is An Open Door'. Aphmau clapped. She sat down next to him and hugged him. "You know what? Let's invite Ross over. And maybe Tiffany." Aaron nodded. Ten minutes later, Ross and Cupquake appeared. "Hey Aphmau!" Ross yelled. He walked around. "Wow, I haven't been in here since.... well.... oh, is that pancakes?"

Aaron started to make a plate of pancake for Ross as he babbled on about what happened in his life. Cupquake pulled Aphmau to the first-floor bathroom. "Aphmau, I see you're not looking at him the way you normally do." Cupquake whispered. "We just decided to...." Aphmau trailed off. Cupquake covered her mouth. "Oooooh, you two been messing around? I-" "No! We just look at each other based on the mood we have, okay? We're both happy, and we-" A crash came from the kitchen. They rushed out and saw Aaron holding his arm, and Ross panicking. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" he shouted. Aphmau ran over to Aaron and moved his hand. A large, deep cut was on his arm. "AARON! What did you do?!" Aphmau yelled. "I just... I just was moving some knives..." he said nervously. Cupquake walked outside back to her house. Ross fainted at the sight of blood. 

Aphmau rinsed off Aaron's arm in the sink quickly. Then she washed it slower and looked at Aaron. They stared at each other as Aphmau slowly moved a cloth across his arm. She snapped out of it. "Um, we need like a large bandage or something." Aphmau muttered. She left and came back with a large white cloth and wrapped it around Aaron's arm. "Do you... feel better?" Aphmau asked. Aaron nodded. Aphmau looked at him in the eyes. "You're not okay, Aaron! You have a 6-inch long cut in your arm that is bleeding!" Aaron smiled. "I'm always okay when I'm with you. I could be dying, but you're always there by my side." Aphmau blushed. "N-NO! DON'T DO THAT!" she demanded. "Do what?" Aaron smirked. "Whenever I'm freaking out or panicking, you just come up with something lovey-dovey and junk to distract me from the major problems that are going on!" Aaron held Aphmau's chin up. "Do you know exactly why I do it?" he asked. ".....because I think you look cute when you're freaking out."

Aphmau blushed. "R-really?" she stuttered. Aaron kissed her. "Yes. Your face gets red, and I like the color red." Aphmau pushed him away. "Get dressed!" she laughed. Aaron came back later in his normal clothes. Aphmau gawked at him. "What?" he asked. Aphmau walked over to him and stroked his hair. "The white streak is gone!" she yelled. Aaron looked at Aphmau's hair. "Yours is gone, too." he stated. Aphmau petted his hair. "Seriously... what shampoo do you use?" she asked. "I said girl's shampoo. I've been using it since I mixed up mine and my mother's. I just... like it more." Aaron answered. Aphmau took a step back. "Are you sure it isn't because you know I like your hair this way?" she asked playfully. Aaron blushed. "No...." he muttered. Aphmau stared at his black eyes. "You know, I like men who wear bows in their hair." Aphmau joked. "I know what you're trying to do." Aaron laughed. Aphmau pulled out a red bow from her pocket. "No....No!" Aaron laughed. Aphmau chased him around his house. Aphmau finally tackled him in front of his couch and sat on him.  She spread and held his arms away from him.

"Come on, you would look great with a bow!" Aphmau giggled. "Aphmau, you don't have to do this!" Aaron laughed. She clipped the bow in his hair. "I don't want you to touch it, either." Aphmau snickered. Aaron sat up and tickled Aphmau. "AH! DON'T DO THAT! I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'LL TAKE IT OUT I SWEAR! JUST PLEASE STAHP!" Aphmau shouted. Aaron stopped and stared at Aphmau. "I was kidding, you keep it in!" Aphmau snorted. She hugged Aaron, and Aaron crossed his legs. "I love it when you do stupid stuff for me." Aphmau stated. She kissed Aaron. "I didn't do anything stupid. You did." Aaron quietly laughed. Aphmau parted away from him. "Really? Says the one who nearly went to the hospital, if it weren't for your flawless, cute girlfriend." Aphmau said as she flipped her hair. "Where exactly is that flawless cute girlfriend, because I'm stuck with you." Aaron joked. Aphmau playfully punched his shoulder. "Aw, Aaron... I hate you." Aaron kissed Aphmau. "I hate you too." He kissed her again.

They sat up on the couch, with Aphmau sitting down and Aaron lying down on her lap. Aphmau stroked his hair as he looked at his phone. ".....I love the fact that you say amazing things that make me feel better." Aphmau smiled. Aphmau felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

Aaron at 11:10 a.m.- Make a wish, it's almost 11:11.

Aphmau at 11:10 a.m.- You make a wish with me.

Aaron at 11:11 a.m.- You are my wish <3

Aphmau at 11:11 a.m.-If I could have one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your kisses on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine, knowing that I will never find the same feeling with anyone else.

Aaron at 11:12 a.m.- Now I just feel lazy writing my sentence.

Aphmau at 11:12 a.m.- You are lazy.

Aphmau kissed him. "I really meant it, Aaron." Aphmau blushed. Aaron sat up next to Aphmau. "But you are everything that I could wish for." Aaron muttered. Ross stood up and dusted himself off. "Well now it's my time to go. MOM!" he yelled as he walked outside. "I kind of forgot he was there." Aaron laughed. Aphmau looked at him. "Hey Aaron... remember that flower pot joke you made yesterday?" Aaron nodded. "Yes... it was a joke." Aphmau blushed. "Well...I actually took it seriously...." Aaron kissed her. "Okay......" "And do you remember when I was drawing that picture, and you asked what those extra two circles were?" Aphmau nervously asked. "Yeah... where are we going with this?" Aaron acknowledged. "Well...those circles were actually.... kids." Aphmau mumbled. Aaron held her face. "I-I'm sorry Aphmau, but...... I'm just not ready to have kids yet. But..." Aphmau looked up at him and smiled. "But what?" Aaron kissed Aphmau. "But I wouldn't mind anything else." he smirked. He kissed her neck and Aphmau held his arms.


Aphmau opened the door to her house with Aaron close behind her. "Okay, so we agree." Aphmau stated. Aaron shook his head. "Wait, what-" Everyone was at her house again, having a party. "Travis! Where is Kawaii~Chan's cake batter? She needs- oh hi, Aphmau." Katelyn stressed. "We're having a bake-off between Kawaii~Chan, Lucinda, and Laurence." Aphmau looked into the kitchen and saw flour all over the floor. "You don't say...." she muttered. She turned to Aaron and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight, cutie. I have to deal with this." Aphmau sighed. Aaron walked home.

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