Chapter 5: Rated 7 Girlfriend

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Aphmau ran to her closet and threw out clothes. She wondered what Aaron would like her to wear. She pulled out an old, linty sweatshirt that had Pinkie Pie on the front. "No!" Aphmau said, throwing it to the side. About 14 outfits later, she had on a lilac silk, long-sleeved blouse and a pair of blue skinny jeans with black boots. She raced to her bathroom and quickly put on basic concealer and clear lip gloss. After she was done getting ready, she looked at her clock. "Only 7 minutes?" she said, surprised at her speed. Aphmau then stepped down the stairs to the kitchen. She pulled out baking supplies, until a tap came upon her shoulder.

"Aphmau~Senpai," Kawaii~Chan said as she held out an awesomely decorated cake. "Kawaii~Chan thought to celebrate Aaron~Kun's birthday with a cake that had Aphmau~Senpai and Aaron~Kun kissing!" Aphmau looked at the cake then hugged Kawaii~Chan. "OH MY GOSH THANK YOU!" she shouted. Kawaii~Chan set the cake down on the table and got left smiling. Aphmau sat down on the couch with a sigh of relief. She checked her phone and looked at funny inspirational quotes to pass the time. At 11:58 a.m., Aphmau came across a quote that said: "Forget about the past, you can't change it, forget about the future, you can't predict it, forget about the present, I didn't get you one! 

Aphmau gasped. "I DIDN'T. GET. A. PRESENT." She glanced at the clock and saw it was 12:00 p.m. She heard a knock at the door and opened it to see Aaron, who was leaning against the wall. "H-H-Happy birthday..." she stammered. Aaron smiled. "You look nice today." Aphmau's shyness soon turned into curiosity. "What? Do you not think I look nice everyday?" Aaron snickered. "I always do." Aphmau stared at Aaron then invited him inside. "Kawaii~Chan made you a cake. I think she came in to check on it-GAH!" Aphmau said as she saw what Kawaii~Chan replaced the cake with. It was a two-tier white wedding cake with Aaron and herself kissing at the top.

Aaron came to the dining room behind Aphmau and saw the cake. He looked at Aphmau, who's face was entirely red. He looked at the picture on top of the cake of them kissing. "Um, Aphmau," Aaron started. "is that the time when Ross came over?" Aphmau checked the picture. "It is!" she yelled. "KAWAII~CHAN!" Kawaii~Chan left the house already. Aaron gawked at the cake for a while, then hugged Aphmau. "Thanks for my" he said, glaring at the cake. "After this small meeting, I would rate you about...a 7 out of 10." Aphmau stopped hugging Aaron then kissed him. They kissed for 2 minutes, then Aphmau punched Aaron. "What do you rate me now?" Aaron laughed. "Maybe...a 9.9 out of 10?" Aphmau pinned Aaron against the wall and grabbed a handful of cake.

She took off Aaron's hood and smeared the cake over his face. Aaron stepped away and took a handful of cake as well. He wiped it on Aphmau's shirt. "Now you're sweeter than ever." he said. Aphmau giggled and threw more cake at him, getting it all over his sweater. They laughed and got cake everywhere, until it was gone. "This is a mess!" Aphmau laughed. Aaron held out his hand to help Aphmau up from the floor. "You're a mess," he stated. They laughed together then locked into each other's eyes. "Aphmau," Aaron said. "Thank you for my birthday. It was amazing, and was 10 times better with you." Aphmau blushed.

Aaron wiped off frosting from Aphmau's cheek and kissed her, until Katelyn opened the front door. "WHAT IS THIS MESS?" she asked. Aaron and Aphmau stared at Katelyn. "NOW I HAVE TO CLEAN THIS UP!" Aphmau giggled and Aaron chuckled nervously. "YOU TWO ARE HELPING ME!" Katelyn screeched. After 2 hours of cleaning, Aphmau and Aaron sat on the couch, and Katelyn went to her room. They were clean, including the floor and walls. Aphmau stared at Aaron and said, "You still have some cake on your lip." Before Aaron could wipe his mouth, Aphmau kissed him. They kissed for 5 minutes, then Aaron pushed Aphmau away, but only a few centimeters. "Was there really cake on my face?" Aphmau smiled. "Does it matter?" Aaron pulled her back and kissed her again. Later, Aphmau turned on the T.V. and asked, "What do you want to watch?" Aaron shrugged. Aphmau kissed his cheek. "How about...Frozen?" Aaron looked squeamish. "I'm...okay with that." he relaxed and held Aphmau for the entire movie.

At about 1:00 a.m., Aaron kissed Aphmau's sleeping forehead and carried her to her bed. He quietly left the front door and as it was about to shut, a black shoe stopped it. Aaron was confused, then Aphmau lunged at Aaron, kissing him. They fell on the grass, laughing. "You scared me." Aaron said. Aphmau kissed his cheek, and Aaron kissed her. They laughed and lied on the grass, staring at stars. An hour later, Aphmau fell asleep on Aaron's chest. He laid Aphmau on the couch and put a blanket over her. He left for his house, but was stopped by Travis.

"What are you doing up this late?" Aaron asked. "I'm going to stop by Katelyn's house for a surprise." Travis said confidently. Aaron put on his hood. "Yeah, you do that." They continued on their ways until they both arrived their destinations. Aaron changed into his pajamas and lied in his bed. Only seconds later did he hear a loud 'slap' noise. He peeked out of his window to see Travis lying on the grass and Katelyn yelling at him. "Couple troubles," he chuckled.

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