Chapter 32: A Little Party

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Aphmau sat up wearily in bed next to Aaron. She quietly got up, trying not to awaken him. She had ordered an outfit to the summer house a couple of days ago, and was expecting a package. She went to the entrance of the house and saw a box and squealed. "It's here!" Katelyn tipped down her sunglasses while approaching Aphmau. "What's here?" she asked. "Katelyn! Oh, I ordered a dress! And..." Aphmau opened the box quickly, and Katelyn watched. "It better not be some more underwear for Aaron." Aphmau blushed and pulled out a pair of heels. "U-underwear? F-for Aaron?" Aphmau stuttered. Katelyn took off her sunglasses. "Yeah, we got a pair of pink boxers with 'BOOTY' spelled out on the back shipped to Travis's house. And Aaron's name was on the box." Katelyn's voice trailed off. "Sooo... what did you do with them?" Aphmau asked. Katelyn rolled her eyes. "More like what did Travis do with them." 

Aphmau giggled. "Sooo... what did Travis do with them?" she asked. Katelyn blushed. "He...he tried them on." Aphmau gave a sly smile to Katelyn. "But they didn't fit, they were too big." Aphmau was still smiling at Katelyn. "You saw him in underwear?" Katelyn looked away with a tomato-red face. "I-if the underwear was too big for Travis, could it fit Aaron? If it does, he must be packing a whole lot in the back!" Katelyn nervously laughed. Lucinda sashayed out and met Katelyn and Aphmau. "Or packing a whole lot in the front." Lucinda said cunningly. Aphmau blushed. "Good morning, girls." Lucinda purred. Katelyn looked at Lucinda. "Hey Lucinda, what are you doing up this early? At... 8 a.m..." Katelyn looked down, realizing how idiotic it sounded. Lucinda looked at the two of them and asked, "I could ask you the same thing... but I won't." She put on her sunhat and tipped down her sunglasses from her head, and opened a potion that made a magazine pop into her hand. "Au revoir passez une bonne journée!" Lucinda shouted, walking to the beach. Katelyn looked at the box and shoes Aphmau had in her hands. "What's that for, anyways?" Katelyn asked. Aphmau giggled and replied with, "Let's have breakfast, then we'll talk about it afterwards."


Katelyn crossed her legs in one of the living rooms of the summer home. Aphmau sat next to her and opened the box wider. "It's a dress!" Aphmau giggled. "For what?" Katelyn asked curiously. Aphmau pulled a folded flyer out of her cleavage, and Katelyn looked at her with an amzaed, yet disgusted, face. "You hide stuff in there?" Katelyn asked. Aphmau pulled out her phone. "Yes." Katelyn looked at the dress: a simple, short layered dress that was lavender. Katelyn's eyes widened. "It's so pretty, Aphmau! You'll look great in it when you wear it to... what?" Aphmau gave the flyer to Katelyn.

"Come to the best summer party in all of Starlight! Bring your friends! Dance! Laugh! Dance again, again, again, and again! Special drinks will be served!"

Katelyn looked at the flyer closer. "Did you pick this up cause it had glitter on it?" Katelyn asked. Aphmau nodded her head quickly. "Ah! I can't wait to go with Aaron! With Aaron! With...Aaron." Aphmau looked at the dress, then the flyer. "With AARON! KATELYN, WHAT AM I GONNA DO? I CAN'T DANCE LIKE ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE! AND MY DRESS IS JUST BASIC! KATELYN HELP MEEEEE!" Aphmau pleaded and whined. She fell into Katelyn's lap. Katelyn jerked in her movement. "Aphmau! I can't help you with that kind of stuff. Go ask Lucinda or something." Aphmau hugged Katelyn. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOOOUUUUU!" Aphmau cried tears of happiness.


Aphmau headed over to Lucinda's room, where she saw Travis and Kawaii-Chan playing Jenga in the corner. She ran over to Lucinda. "Thank you Lucinda for choosing to help me with this." Aphmau said. Lucinda smiled. "It's the least I could do... considering you made my ears bleed with your begging." Lucinda muttered. "So why are you doing this again, Aphmau?" Aphmau blushed. "I kinda feel sorry for Aaron, that I haven't been treating him like my boyfriend and more as a pet, messing with his ears and playing catch." Lucinda cooed, and put a hand on Aphmau's shoulder. "I want to help him have fun, like we were before. But at the same time, I want to impress him, make him think I'm not a child that came around and messed with his ears and tail...which were so fluffy...and soft...I wonder what shampoo he uses on them..." Aphmau started to drool. Lucinda looked at Aphmau with a nervous smile. "Okay... Aphmau..." she started. "When's the party?" Aphmau looked at a cloack on the wall. "In three hours, at 7 p.m." Aphmau muttered. Lucinda clapped her hands. "Okay! First things first, where's your outfit?" Lucinda cheered. Aphmau got a dress from the hallway. It was the one she had received earlier. "I think it's kinda... bland." Aphmau shied. Lucinda held the dress up. "It is, sweetheart. No offense, but this should be used to wash dishes." Lucinda threw the dress at Travis's head, making him knock over the Jenga tower he and Kawaii-Chan had built.

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