Chapter 34: Truth or Dare ;)

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Aphmau had tied the bandana over Aaron's eyes. He couldn't see. "A-Aph..." Aaron said quietly. She took off his vest and threw it to her side of the bed. Aphmau took off her skirt so she could move easily. "You bailed on me to many times, Aaron." Aphmau said. She sucked on his neck, and Aaron let out a whimper. Man, why do I whimper so much? He asked himself. He couldn't do anything, His arms were pinned down by Aphmau's hands. Aphmau began to slide off his shorts. As soon as that happened, Melissa opened the door and jumped with joy. "YES! I'M GONNA HAVE NIECES OR NEPHEWS!" she screamed. Aaron got angry and threw a nearby book at her. She blocked it by shutting the door.

When the door was shut, Katelyn approached Melissa. "Be quiet, Katelyn! They're making pups in there!" Melissa whisper-shouted. "Okay, Melissa." Katelyn sighed. She stopped. Katelyn broke the door down. "AARON YOU GET OFF OF APHMAU DON'T MAKE HER DO ANYTHING SHE DOESN't want to... do?" Katelyn found Aphmau on top of Aaron. Aphmau sat up and turned around. "HEY KATELYN WHAT DO YOU NEED?" she nervously laughed. Katelyn stared at the two. She noticed Aaron's eyes were covered with a bandana. "We're gonna play truth or dare in a moment....come downstairs." Katelyn continued. "OF COURSE WHENEVER YOU WANT TO!" Melissa squealed. "No, I mean now." Katelyn sneered. She picked up the book by the door and threw it at Aaron's head. "And no funny business." Katelyn dragged Melissa to the living room downstairs.


There were 3 teams that were playing. Team Doorbreakers was Garroth, Katelyn, and Travis. Team Wolfwear was Derek, Rachel, and Melissa. And Team Seabunnies was Aphmau, Aaron, and Lucinda. "Okay! Let's begin!" Melissa clapped. She spun a spinner she made an hour ago and it landed on Team Doorbreakers. "Who do you sacrifice?" Melissa said with a raspy voice. Travis and Garroth threw out Katelyn. "Truth or Dare, Katelyn?" Melissa asked. She had an evil smile. "Truth, I guess." Katelyn muttered. Melissa began to speak, but Rachel covered her mouth. "Do you really like Travis?" Rachel asked. Katelyn blushed. "Y-yes..." Katelyn said. She felt like she just threw her dignity out the window. She sat down and watched Garroth spin while Travis held her. "Don't read too far into it." Katelyn whispered to Travis. "No way, blueberry. You like me!" he whispered. The spinner landed on Team Seabunnies. "We throw out Aaron." Lucinda said calmly. Aphmau, nor did Aaron, agreed to it, but Aaron was pushed out. "Truth or Dare, son?" Derek asked. Aaron had a lot to hide, and a lot he didn't want to do in front of his family. "Make out with Aphmau, 20 seconds." Travis stated. Aaron was shocked. "Go ahead and do it son, we won't watch." Derek laughed. "Listen, you're not a teenage girl. You're my dad." Aaron stated.

Aphmau grabbed his hand and pulled him down. "Let's just get it over with!" He landed and lied down in Aphmau's lap, with his head on her thighs. She kissed him. She played with his tongue. After 20 seconds were up, they separated, and Aaron remained on Aphmau's lap. Lucinda spun, and it landed on Team Seabunnies again. "What?" Aphmau asked. "Truth or Dare, Lucinda? I love this game!" Melissa cheered. "Dare." Lucinda said. "Take off your clothes!" Melissa yelled. Lucinda began to unravel her skirt and Katelyn yelled, "Wait! Lucinda, you need to choose truth." Lucinda shrugged. "Truth." Rachel and Derek watched the kids. "You know what, Aaron is right! We are too old for this, haha!" Derek laughed. He walked out with Rachel, and Rachel dragged Melissa away. "But Mom! I wanna see how this turns out!" Melissa whined.

Lucinda remained standing. "Okay... that was random. So what am I gonna do?" Lucinda asked. Garroth had an evil look on his face. "Do you like Travis, Lucinda?" he asked. Lucinda looked Travis up and down. "I dunno, but he sure is pretty cute." Lucinda flirted. Katelyn sat in Travis's lap. and held him. "Lucinda!" she yelled. Lucinda sat down. "I guess we don't need this spinner then." Lucinda made it disappear. "You know, you need to stop doing that. You could hurt somebody-" Katelyn was cut off by Blaze's shout. "Ow! Where did this spinner come from?" 

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