Chapter 11: Victoria's 'Secret'

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Today Aphmau, Aaron, Travis, and Katelyn decided to go to the mall for new clothes. Travis and Aaron came early, and Aphmau and Katelyn came together. Aphmau studied Travis and Aaron, who seemed terribly uncomfortable. "Aaron, is there something wrong?" Aphmau asked. Aaron was still thinking about how Travis accidentally called him hot. " all..." he responded. Aphmau clapped and cheered. "Yay! Let's go leave these two lovebirds by themselves!" she yipped as she held Aaron's hand. Katelyn crossed her arms and glared at Aphmau, feeling insulted by what she said. Aphmau and Aaron wandered through the mall, stopping at different kiosks. They stopped at a kiosks that sold bows, tutus, and other girly things. "Aaron! Come over here!" Aphmau shouted. Aaron was originally standing right behind her, not paying attention to a thing. "AARON!" Aphmau screeched. She turned around and bumped into Aaron.

"Oh, um, sorry Aaron, I didn't see you there..." Aphmau nervously laughed as she brushed off the 'dirt' on Aaron's sweater. As she finished, she blushed and turned Aaron to see all of the bows hanging on the kiosk. "That one's cute," Aphmau squeaked. She grabbed a sparkly red bow and placed it in Aaron's hair. "Why did you do that?" Aaron asked. Aphmau kissed his cheek. "Because you look pretty, and..." Aphmau's eyes drifted to the tutus. Aaron caught up with what she was staring at. "Oh no." Five minutes later they walked away, with Aaron wearing a black glittery tutu over his jeans. They walked around again, but Aphmau stopped when she saw a pile of giant pink puppies in a store window. "OH MY GOSH! I WANT ONE!" she squealed. She ran into the store, with Aaron running behind her.

Aphmau looked around and didn't see the puppies anywhere. "Where are they-" Aphmau felt two pairs of hands grab her shoulders. She jumped and turned around to see two twin girls with a pink smile. They each had a long blonde ponytail perched on top of their heads, with silver streaks. They had on matching outfits, both highly inappropriate. They wore matching bikinis with dangling silver beads on the waist of the bottom part, and a silk cape around their stomachs. One of them spoke in a terribly high-pitched voice that startled Aphmau. "Hello! Welcome to Victoria's Secret, and today we are your assistants. My name is Cathy." The other girl hopped up. "My name is Caroline!" Aphmau covered her ears to stop the high voices. "That's nice, but I came in here for the stuffed puppies, that's all." Aphmau stated. Caroline grabbed a large pink puppy from what seemed like nowhere. "You mean these? These puppies are only for participants."

"What participants?" Aphmau asked. Cathy smiled and tapped on Aaron's shoulder. He spun around, scared of the sharp silver fake  nails that just touched him. He identified the two girls and whispered to Aphmau. "Are we in-" he was interrupted by a squeaky voice. "Excuse me, but here is a brochure of all the information you need to become a judge." Cathy said. Aaron saw the front of the brochure and pushed it away. "I'd rather not be caught in this." Caroline grabbed Aphmau's wrist tightly. "Follow me hon, we'll get you a new outfit." Aphmau panicked and tried to break free, but soon her other wrist was held by Cathy. Aphmau freaked and screamed Aaron's name as she was dragged away to the dressing rooms. Aaron sprinted to her but was stopped by two burly men. "No men allowed past this point." one of them said. Aaron stopped and stood there. The men were twice his height and size, and seemed quite stronger than him. "Excuse me sirs, but my girlfriend was just kidnapped by these two blonde girls and-" Aaron was picked up by the hood by the other man.

"Was she a kid?" the other guard asked. Aaron shook his head. "Was she napping?" the first one said through clenched teeth, cracking his knuckles. Aaron shook his head again. The guard that was holding Aaron dropped him outside the store. "Then SCRAM!" He shouted. Aaron got up and dusted off his tutu. He walked off into the mall, leaving Aphmau. Back in Aphmau's dressing room, she panicked a lot. "How do I get out of here? What am I doing here?" she asked herself. "You're a new participant in our model contest thingy." Cathy shouted from outside. "We'll let you out when you get dressed!" Aphmau saw a rack of fashionable clothes. "Get dressed?" she asked. Minutes after finding something decent on the rack, she decided to put them on. It was a glittery purple bikini top with a matching choker and a white miniskirt within a long silk skirt. She checked herself in the mirror and sighed.

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