Chapter 23: Good Always Comes After The Bad, Worse, and Terrible

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"Katelyn is WHAT?" Aphmau asked. "I said, she and Travis left with Kawaii~Chan and Vlyad to a city for the weekend." Dante said over the phone. Aphmau immediately hung up and sat on her bed. "Who am I going to have for our Once Upon A Time marathon? I can't have Aaron this time..." she thought. She walked downstairs and sat on the couch. "...what is Aaron doing right now?" She slapped her head. "#Overprotective Girlfriend!" She laughed. Celestia waddled on in and crawled into Aphmau's lap. She whimpered. "Aw... what's the matter girl?" Celestia yawned and tears came from her eyes. She walked to the backyard and sat by the puppies' graves with her head down. Aphmau had followed her and saw what she was upset about. Gold was sitting at her stomach, putting a paw at it. "You're not...." Aphmau walked over and told Celestia to roll over. She placed her hand on her stomach and felt constant lumps. "You are." She sighed. "As if this day couldn't get any worse." Celestia would constantly be around Aphmau's ankles all day, never leaving her side. She tripped constantly, and often fell flat on the floor. After hours of Celstia's needs, Aphmau stomped to Aaron's house, with Gold and Celestia very closely behind.

Aaron opened the door, with both Emily and Emanuel clinging onto his legs. Aphmau raised her finger to ask a question, but Aaron quickly answered. "They were there when I woke up." he laughed. "Hi Mama!" Emanuel smiled. Aaron walked normally to the couch and sat down. Emily and Emanuel finally hopped off and he stood back up. Aphmau already sat down and asked, "You just sat down, why get back up?" "I haven't had time to pee!" he quickly said, running to the bathroom. Celestia barked as Emily pulled her tail. Aphmau turned around and shouted, "No no no no no no no NO!" She picked up Celestia and handed Emily a stuffed dog. "That wasn't very nice, Emily." Emily shrugged. A crash came from upstairs. "Aaron! Are you okay?" Aphmau shouted. He rushed down with his hood on. "Aaron! I thought you hurt yourself. I was worried-" Aaron took off his hood and a streak of his hair was a pale, Travis-like white. Aphmau, Emanuel, and Emily stood there, shocked. "Dada did someting to his hair..." Emily stated. Aphmau rushed over and looked at his hair. "What did you do?!" she asked. "I dropped a bottle of bleach in the bathroom..." he answered. Aphmau sighed. "You better hope this washes out." Aphmau held her head. "I swear this day keeps getting worse and worse."

"What were you doing with bleach?, Aaron... YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE-" Aaron cut her off. "I didn't try to kill myself, Aphmau! I guess one of the kids pulled it out and took off the cap and left it on the floor. I just picked it up and there were toys everywhere! I tripped over stuff while I was carrying it." Aphmau told him to sit on the toilet lid to look at his hair. "You know what? You still look great with partly-white hair, even if you look like Melanie Martinez." She joked. "Yeah...heh..." Aaron laughed. "Clumsy Aaron. If you keep this up, it might imprint on the kids." "THE KIDS!" They both shouted. They ran downstairs and saw Emily and Emanuel reading a book together. "That's a piggy, and that's a cow." Emily said. "No, it's a calf." Emanuel reasoned. Aphmau sighed. "I love them so much." At that moment, a soft knock came from the front door. Aaron answered it, and there stood a frail, young woman. "Is this the Aaron residence?" she asked. Aaron nodded. "I believe... you have my Emily and Emanuel."

"Aphmau came to the door with the babies and stood next to Aaron. The woman looked at the children and came to tears. "This... I can't believe it... they're alive! You took care of them!" The woman hugged both Aaron and Aphmau. She backed away, and looked at the children. Emily and Emanuel stared deeply at the woman in silence.

"Please! You have to take them! I... can't afford it!" she pleaded. The attendant shook her head. "We're all full. I'm sorry ma'am." She backed away from the attendant and ran away. She ran, far into Witherswood. She ran into an alley and sat down on the cold cement. She looked down and unwrapped them carefully. Two peachy bright faces looked at her with small eyes. "I'm so sorry." she whispered. She coughed, and continued to cough. She had lost her allergy pills and could not afford a new bottle, and she was slowly and painfully dying from her allergies. "I... I can't... let you watch me die, since what I'm about to do is horrible enough. She wrote a note and set it by the newborns. She kissed their heads, and stood up. "Goodbye.... I want you to know, if anyone ever comes for you, don't forget me. The police walked by and saw her in the alley. "HEY! NO LOITERING!" They grabbed her by the arms and dragged her away. "W-wait, n-no! I WASN'T DONE! I-I-I-I.... EMILY! EMANUEL! REMEMBER! MOMMY O LOVES YOU!" The babies cried for hours, until a young couple came by. "Babies?" 

"MOMMY O!" Emily and Emily screamed. They jumped to Orianna and hugged her tight. "I missed you so much." Orianna cried. Aphmau teared up and Aaron held her. Orianna bowed and hugged them again. "Thank you so very much, young people. I finally got back on my feet to take care of them, and I just can't thank you enough." Orianna hugged them again, and set the children down and held their hands. "I promise this won't be the last time you will see them." she whispered. The babies talked with Orianna as they walked away, and Emily looked back at Aphmau and Aaron. She waved good bye, and they waved goodbye as well. "I'll miss you..." Aphmau sobbed. Aaron held her and watched in silence as the small group shrank deeper into the city.


" I just miss them so MUUUUUUUCH!" Aphmau cried. Aaron walked into the living room with rolls of tear-filled toilet paper on his clothes. The living room was covered in tissues from Aphmau. She held Emily's teddy bear and Emanuel's coloring book. "E-E-Emanuel w-w-would've been an a-artist and Emily w-would've been a-a p-pet doctor a-and WAAAAAAH!" Aaron sat by Aphmau and she cried into his sweater. "They were a lot of fun... I want to do it all over again. Play with them, watch them talk to each other, all of it." Aaron muttered. "W-W-Why c-can't we h-h-have our own?" Aphmau sniffled. "We can, if you want children that much." he replied quietly. Aphmau wiped her tears. "Really?" she asked. Aaron nodded. Aphmau started to kiss him, and Aaron pushed her away a few inches. "Are you sure we can't adopt?" he laughed. Aphmau pushed him down on the couch. "Nope!"


Stay tuned for anudda one!

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