Chapter 15: Emanuel and Emily

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"Babies?" Aphmau asked. Aaron walked over to Aphmau and jumped. "Why are you talking about babies? I swear Katelyn and I-" Aphmau glared at Aaron. "I mean..." Aphmau stood up, holding two small babies. "These babies." Aaron gawked at the two children. Aphmau handed him one of the babies, who was swaddled in a blue blanket. Aphmau was holding a baby in a yellow blanket, and they both sat down in the dusty alley. After minutes of silence, Aaron held up the baby. "Do they have names?" Aphmau shrugged and a small piece of paper fell from the yellow baby's blanket. She picked it up and examined it. "Dear any better care-taker than me, I am dying slowly and I do not want my babies watching me suffer. I have a boy and a girl, both named Emanuel and Emily. Please to whomever finds them, give them a great home and life that I could have never given them. Signed, Orianna."

Aphmau clenched the paper tight and Aaron held her. "Everything is okay. We'll take care of them." Aphmau smiled and they carried the babies back to the hotel. Mira was arguing with her daughter, until Aaron and Aphmau walked in. Mira glanced over at them and gasped. "B-B-B-B-B-BA-BA-BABIES?!" she shrieked. Llamalei squealed as they walked over. Aaron walked to the front desk and Mira smirked at him. "Your zipper better be up after you were done." she sneered. He and Aphmau turned beet red. "NO NO NO NO NO, it's just that we want to check in these babies to our hotel." Aphmau nervously laughed. Mira tapped on her cell phone and sighed. "You know what, no charge." She glanced at Aaron. "I expected this to happen." Aaron and Aphmau tried to explain, but Mira completely ignored them.

Mira stood up and pulled on Llamalei's ears. "Me and you still need to talk! You shouldn't be moving without my permission!" She dragged her out to the lobby. Llamalei fell over and scratched her head. "You didn't say anything to Dad when he moved away!" Mira and Aphmau teared up. Aaron rushed to the elevator with Aphmau close behind. He shut the elevator doors and wiped Aphmau's tears. "I know these babies don't have a parent and it's sad, but we will take care of them." Aphmau smiled again, and kissed Aaron. He parted from her and smirked. "Now let's go change these diapers." Aphmau giggled as they exited the elevator to their hotel room. Kawaii~Chan was blabbering on her phone, completely unaware of Aaron and Aphmau. They set the babies down and Aphmau studied them. "The note said that one was a boy named Emanuel and a girl named Emily, so which is-" Aphmau was interrupted by the shout Aaron released as the baby peed on him.

He fell to the floor, grossed out by the dripping liquid from his sweater. Aphmau rushed over and snatched off his sweater and threw it to a corner. She then unwrapped his bandanna and looked at his eyes. "Do you need towels?" she asked. Aaron glared at the baby sitting on the bed, who was laughing. "No, I'm fine. Can you hand me my other sweater?" Aphmau nodded and grabbed another red sweater from his suitcase. She stood him up and put it on him, and Aaron laughed. "I didn't know getting dressed come with the girlfriend package." Aphmau smiled and picked up the baby boy. "You must be Emanuel!" she squeaked. She glanced over at the other baby. Aaron picked it up and hugged it. "And this one is Emily." he smiled. Out of nowhere, Emily started crying. Aaron panicked. "What do I do? Is she tired? Is she hungry?" Aphmau giggled. "She's tired, Aaron." Aphmau took Emily from him and set both babies in her bed. 

"How do you two expect to have your own children if the actual man doesn't know what to do?" someone asked. Aphmau and Aaron turned around and saw Llamalei standing at the door. "N-N-N-NO BABIES! NO BABIES FOR US, RIGHT AARON?" Aphmau yelled. Aaron nodded. Llamalei crossed her arms and spotted the two babies sleeping in the bed. "BABIES!" she squeaked. She rushed over to them and stopped. Llamalei turned to Aphmau and pointed at the babies. "These do not look like you," she moved the blanket. "both of your hairs are blacker than a black hole, and their hair is blond. Did you kidnap them?" Aaron shook his head. "No, we found them in an alley." Llamalei looked at Aaron as if he were insane. "Well, I'm surprised you got this past my mother, but you sir," Llamalei pulled the blanket over the babies with her tail and started for the door. "You watch out. That one over there obviously can take care of babies and soon she'll want one."

Llamalei left the room. Aaron stuttered and Aphmau traced his shoulders with her fingers. "We should get some sleep." After 30 minutes of changing and a trip to the baby store, everyone was suited for bed. Kawaii~Chan was sitting on her bed, talking on her phone. "Katelyn~Sama, Vlyad~Kun can't be seeing Michi~Chan! He's my husband!" she complained. Aphmau rolled her eyes and crawled into bed with the babies. "Goodnight Aaron." she yawned. Aaron lied in bed on his phone. He walked over to Aphmau and kissed her head. "Goodnight to you." He walked back over to his bed and sat down, still on his phone. 4 minutes later, Emily and Aphmau were snoring, but a small pitter-patter across the floor startled Aaron. There was crawling Emanuel, who circled Aaron's feet. "You don't want to go to sleep?" Aaron chuckled as he picked him up. He handed Emanuel his phone and headphones and played Little Notchsteins. Emanuel giggled and hummed, and it made Aaron happy. 

"Maybe having kids isn't so bad," he said. "Maybe me and Aphmau were over exaggerating." He fell asleep with Emanuel still watching shows on his phone. He was then interrupted by Aphmau complaining. "Aaron, can you explain to me why Emanuel is using electronics at this age?" Aaron sat up in his bed and glanced at Emanuel. "He's fine, Aph." he yawned. Aphmau threw her hands in the air. "AARON! THIS IS THE REASON WHY I DON'T WANT KIDS! YOU ARE TOO LAID-BACK!" Aaron gawked at Aphmau in disbelief. "I just thought that you didn't want to spend hours in the hospital." Aphmau stomped back to bed and fell asleep. Aaron watched her the entire time, and Emanuel soon slept on Aaron's lap. "Emanuel, if you're listening to me, when you get the girlfriend package, there's a few malfunctions." Aphmau shouted, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Aaron quickly hid under his covers and made a snoring sound. 

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