Not Quite Famous

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"Okay, this is sooo bad! My fake tanner is ruined already!" a voice wailed. LINDSAY

I groaned, then sat up. "Is that your problem? Couldn't you just, oh, I don't know, tan in the sun?" I asked sarcastically.

Lindsay squinted at me. "The sun...?"

I rolled my eyes, then quickly got dressed in dark jeans, electric blue Converse, and a ripped black tank. I threw on my beanie, then applied makeup in the small mirror I had set up to right of my bunk, just so I didn't have to do it in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and then plopped up on my bed, searching through my phone texts. A new message from Mom:

Mom: Hey baby, how is it there? I miss you!

Me: r u?

Mom: Good! I've been getting a lot of work done. I've seen some of the episodes. It seems to me like you're having fun..

Me: Wdy mean?

Mom: That one boy..with the mohawk. Are you friends?

Me: Yeah, I knew him at school

Mom: Honey....I don't know

Me: Wdy mean you dont know

Mom: He seems rather fishy, don't you think

Me: Umm...not really. I mean, c'mon teen guys are kinda wild

Mom: He looks like a delinquent

Me: Wow, Mom. Is it the piercings? Or the green hair? Oh wait, thats what I have!

Mom: Wow, honey. It wasn't supposed to come out that way

Me: Yeah, fine. I g2g..Chris is calling us now.

Mom: I'm so sorry..

I tossed the phone down on my bed, blinking tears out of my eyes. Of course she didn't accept me, she was pretending the whole month...the whole DAMN month. The only ones who truly did accept me were Duncan and the other punks at school. But I just didn't want one group of friends, I wanted variety. Hell, I didn't want variety, I needed variety. I can't just be a punk stereotype.

I closed my eyes. Accept...accept....ACCEPT! It's such a beautiful word, full of so much hope, dreams, and can either exceed your in life, or crush you. Accept.

"Campers! The next challenge starts now!" Chris's voice rang through the loud speakers.

A chance to prove myself..a chance to be accepted, fully. The dodgeball challenge was just the tip of the raising my chances, but if I somehow win this challenge for our team, the scales will tip completely.


We gathered in the bleachers that crowded a small stage. While everyone else sat down on the hard, wooden seats, I sat on the ground indian style, because I was savage.

"Okay, this week's challenge is a summer camp favorite! A talent contest!"

I gulped. No way was I competing in this...not to prove my worthy.

"Each team has eight hours to pick their three most talented members, and these three will represent them in the show tonight. Anything goes, as long as its legal."

Duncan snapped his fingers in disappointment sarcastically, causing me to chuckle.

"You'll be judged by our former talent show artist BJ, our very own Grandmaster Chef! He will show his approval via the Chef-O-Meter. The losers will send one camper home tonight, so good luck!"

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