Hide And Be Sneaky

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Leshawna and Heather are bickering. Again.

I fold the pillow over my ears, attempting hopelessly to drown out the noise.

It fails.

I stand up and get dressed, today in a red Ghost Town "You're So Creepy" band tee. I tug on black jeans, and my black boots, with the gold laces. I keep my wavy hair down today, and brush on only a little mascara. I look daring. Adventurous. Maybe a bit sexy.

We gather at the dock, Chef dressed in a military outfit, and Chris wearing aviators. 

"Today's challenge is an old fashioned one- hide and seek."

Yeah, first grade called. They want their challenge back.

"With his military background and degree in manhunting, this challenge will be made extremely difficult. Chef, why don't you give a demonstration on Ashlynn?" Chris says, sneering evilly.

Chef pumps his water gun, and I cry out in protest.

He moves it to blast me, but I drop to the deck and it hits Duncan instead. He's blasted into the lake. He surfaces it, sputtering water and obscenities.

"Fuck!" he curses.

"Alright! Duncan, dry off! You all have 10 minutes to hide, starting....now!"

I sprint off towards the woods, searching for a good nook to hide in. I spot a tree, but then shrug the idea off. I might not be able to climb high enough in time.

I find a bundle of twigs, leaves, and dirt, so I decide to hide under that. I shrug the thought aside of ruining my clothes and hair. If I win this game, I'll be able to hire my own personal hair and clothes stylist. I scrub the dirt all over my skin, then drag the leaves and twigs over my body. For extra measure, I shuffle under a shrub, then wait in silence.

Ten minutes pass.

Another ten.

I tap my watch irritably. Why is it taking so long?

"She's got to be around here somewhere!" a voice hisses. Heather.

"Find the girl and get done with it! We still have to find...Leshawna!" Chef's voice growls. I gulp.

The stampeding of the found campers shuffles by. I see Lindsay's and Gwens' boots, Heather's sandals, Duncan's Coverse, and a whole bunch of others.

"Oh, Ashlynn!" a voice sang songed.

I waited until they passed, then slowly got into a crouching position. Ready...set...GO!

I sprinted as fast as I could away from the bush, into a dark cave. I hide behind a tall boulder, then capture my breath. The heavy pants slow down to my regular breathing.

"Well, well. What do we have here?"

I peek out from the rock, then wishing I hadn't. I see Duncan's face grinning wildly. I cringe.

"Sshh!" I hiss.

"Nah, I'm good!" he yells.

"Duncan! No!" I plead.

"Ah, what to do, what to do? I could call Chef in right now, easily- or I could let you stay here in peace. For a price."

"What price?"

"Forgive me. Please."

"Why should I? So you can go behind my back again? No way. I'm not the type of girl who gives in too easily. I mean easily."

He smirks. "I can show you easy."

"No. I don't want to capture your AIDS Courtney probably gave you. If this is what I have to do to win this challenge, then fuck you. I thought rubbing myself in dirt and leaves would be hard, but this? This is emotional. Mental, even. Call Chef, if you must."

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