Trial By Tri-Armed Triathlon

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A helicopter flew over the cabins, and my eyes opened.

I ran out of the cabin, wearing just my tank and running shorts. "Really, Chris? I'm fucking tired!"

"Mmm, darn shame. Get dressed, everybody!"

I roll my eyes, then walk back into my cabin. I shove on dark pants and a tank, then slide on my black Vans.

"Today's challenge will be about teamwork. You're going to be handcuffed with someone, in order to..relieve stress."


"I am not going to be handcuffed to one of these dweebs!"

"Winner gets immunity!" he told her, making her rethink it.


Out of all people, he handcuffed me with Duncan. I swear he does this shit to haunt me. At least I have Leshawna.

"This challenge is a simple chow-down! The first team to eat all their food wins the round! A key will be offered at the beginning of each round, to release your handcuffs. But, you will be immediately disqualified from the challenge, risking going home."

"Who's eating?" I asked, hoping they wouldn't volunteer me. The food looks disgusting.

"I am!" said Leshawna and Duncan in unison.

"Oh, I don't think so, scrawny chicken boy!" Leshawna snapped.

"Arm wrestle for it then!"

Duncan won, so Leshawna fed.

"Yo! Trio! One feeds, one eats, the other makes sure that its properly going down and not all over." Chris told us.


She shovels food into his mouth way too quickly.

"Slow down!" he begged between mouthfuls.

She did it quicker and quicker.

"Hey, Leshawna!" I tried.

She ignored me. "We are winning this challenge, boy!"

Suddenly, Heather shoved the whole tray of food into Owen's mouth, causing them to win. Crap.

"And the winners are, Heather and Owen!"

Owen runs out of the room, Heather dragged behind.


"Last chance for the chicken key!" Chris taunted.

"No way." I told the both of them.

"Your next challenge is so: You'll have to race to Boney Island on canoes!" 

We race to get to a canoe, but Duncan stops us in the process.

"I'm in front."

"No, don't you pull that on me! Put me in front so Little Leshawna can steer!"

"Little? Are you kidding me? You're like-"


I plop myself in the front, making them shut up. I angrily start paddling the canoe, Duncan and Leshawna still arguing.

"I knew underneath that crusty shell you had a big heart." I heard her say. Finally, a truce.

We made it to the beach. 

"Welcome to the second part of the challenge! In Episode 8, Beth stole a Tiki Doll from the Island!"

"She said she returned it!" yelled Gwen.

"She lied. She broke it into pieces and flushed it down the communal toilets!"

I picked up a bag, which held half of the tiki doll.

"Your challenge is to return part of the doll to a cave in the center of the woods! Be careful! The longer you have the doll, the longer you have the curse! Oh, and this is all to be done piggy-back! Trio! One carries, one rides, and the other risks the tiki doll curse!"

"Listen, a guy has his limits. Mine is about 300-" Duncan starts.

Leshawna knocks him to the ground, and they start fighting. Again.

I pull them apart. "KNOCK IT OFF!"

Their eyes widen, and they both stand up. "We have a challenge to win. Fight as much as you please after, but leave me out of it! Now Duncan, are you carrying Leshawna?"

"Nope." he stated, earning a glare from her. 

"I'll risk the curse," she stated, still glaring at him.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, Duncan. You can carry me."

He smirked. "I'm fine with that arrangement."

"No funny business, got it?" I growled, climbing onto his back.

We set off into the woods. 

After reaching the cave, we saw Heather run past us to the opposite direction. Giant beavers with tusks stampeded after them. Leshawna threw the tiki doll into their cave, and we ran the heck out of there.

"GEOFF AND GWEN WIN!" We heard Chris yell.

"Great. Just great." I growled.

We go to tables with giant tablecloths covering them.

"You can set me down now," I snapped.

"Nah, I don't mind carrying you."

I kicked him hard in the leg, so he dropped me.

"Everyone has a point except for the Trio, who could still pull a stopper! The final challenge is...the Totem Pole of Shame! Stack the heads in the order of when they got kicked off! First one done wins."

"This is easy! We can do it!" I said, then reciting the names of everyone who got voted off.

Leshawna looked at me dumbfounded. "How the hell did you know all that?"

"Photographic memory, but there's no time for that!"

We threw the last Izzy head on top. 

"The winners!" Chris mumbled.


Geoff, out of all people, went home. Wow, a huge chance to vote off Heather, but its Geoff?

We have some idiots on this island.

Gwen and him cleared up the things between them, and he boarded the boat.

You'd think Duncan and Leshawna would be able to do that?

People these days...


End Of Chapter 24 at the top? It helps me cope. It's this creepy gothic song that's amazing. The Killers are my favorite band. One reason is because all of their songs have a meaning, or messages. It's happy, and makes me feel special.

So, like I said in the last chapter, my grandmother and dog are dying. My grandmother only has days, if she's lucky. And my dog...well...I don't wanna think about that now. Any of it. It sucks.

To all of you out there, with dying or deceased family members, I'm sorry. I hate this feeling. Nobody deserves this internal torture that it brings you. But all you can think is that they're going to a better place, better than this world that we live in.

I send my thoughts and prayers to you all, and I hope you know that wherever you are, you're not alone.

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