Brunch Of Disgustingness

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I get ready for the day, then walk to the mess hall. No breakfast awaits me, and I grumble. I always have to eat food at the start of the day, or I'll be incredibly grumpy.

Chris then walks in, and he starts to explain the challenge, chuckling the whole time.

"Next week, two teams will become one! You're gonna have a merger!"

I glance at Duncan, who nods at me. 

"First things first, all the girls will be moved to one cabin, along with the guys. You're still split up by gender, so don't get any ideas!"

His eyes flashed between me and Duncan, but I waved him off.

Our relationship has been taking a rocky turn lately.

"This weeks challenge is a battle of the sexes challenge! This week, is a reward challenge!"

We all cheered.

Chris then clapped his hands. "Alright peeps, lets move!"

Me and Bridgette walked to our cabin together, then we grabbed our stuff. 

"So wow, a merger. How does it feel not being on the same team as Geoff?" I teased.

"You could say the same about you and Duncan." she said slyly, climbing up the steps of the Gopher cabin.

"Touche my friend, Touche."


 Sounded a bit too much like Eva to me.

"I ate them. So what?" Heather said defiantly, her back turned to Leshawna.

"You're so-whatting me? Nobody touches my food!"

"It serves you right for leaving your boob sacs everywhere!"

I coughed at the door. They froze, then stared at us.

"Bridgette!" Heather cheered. She immediately started warming up to her, ass-kissing and all.

I rolled my eyes at Leshawna. "Don't worry, she's smarter than that."

She laughed. "Good to know a few people here have common sense!" she cried, slapping my hand.

I stared at Heather who was putting makeup on Bridge.

"Hey Bridgette, you sure you wanna use that eyebrow pencil? It may be carrying a couple disease you don't want."

"Mind your business, freak." Heather spat.

"Dude, this whole cabin is our business. What you do, we will know about, and its our business too."

I threw my bags up onto an empty bunk.

"Fine," Heather snapped.

She then starts making a tape line, separating two sides of the cabin.

"Choose your side," she simpers to Bridge.

Bridgette looks nervously at us, then sets her bag down on our side.

"Woo-hoo!" we cheer.

We head back to the mess hall.

"Its time for the challenge! Todays challenge is a brunch of disgustingness! You will be served a series of dishes, each grosser than the last! Each member of each side must finish each dish! Whichever team has all of their members finish the dish the most, wins the reward! Am I clear?"

All of the girls sit down on one side, the guys on the other. 

"The first dish, is so!"

The covers of the platters in front of us were revealed, and I gagged.

It looked like a veiny meatball.

"What is this?" I asked, taking a small bite out of it. It tasted like regular beef.

I finish it, then push the plate away.

"Beef testicle," Chef says, smiling.

"Ugh," I groan. But it wasn't TOO bad. I glance at Duncan, who stares at the meatball sickeningly.

"What's wrong, babe? Never had a meatball before?"

He shoots me a death glare, slicing his finger across his neck.

"The first round goes to...the female campers! Nice!"

We all cheer, but then stop when the next dish is placed in front of us.

Its a pizza, but the toppings are disgusting. Live grasshoppers, anchovies, and jellyfish flop around on the plate. 

I take a bit of my pizza, then freeze. My fingers start to tremble, and my eye twitches.

"Make it stop!" I cried, punching myself in the forehead.

"Hahaah! What's wrong sweetie? Can't stand a little pizza?" Duncan smart-asses me. I give him the finger.

"Point for the guys!" Chris yells.

I feel puke rising up in my stomach, but I hold it down. I rub my buzzing stomach, preparing myself for the further nightmares coming up.


After being tormented with earthworm pasta, toenail soup, chewed gum, and a skunk smoothie, we arrived at our last challenge.

Dolphin dogs.

I jumped up, pushing the plate away.

"This is cruel! After enduring what you served us, this is the last damn straw Chris!" I yell.

Bridgette stares at it, tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm with ya, girl. That's just wrong."

Chris sighs in irritation. "Fine, fine. We'll do something else."

But by his devious expression, I almost wanted to stick with the weiners.

"Cockroach shotglasses!" he announces, pouring cockroaches into a blender. He mixes them, then pours them into shotglasses. I gag. 

"Leshawna and Owen, you're up!"

"You can do this Leshawana!" I cheer.

"On your mark, get set, go!"

They down the glasses, Owen clearly leading. Suddenly, Leshawna vomits, and it turns into a vomit fest, with everyone puking. 

I stand in the back, shaking. I was the only one who didn't vomit.

But my stomach curdles and flip flops, stating I won't be able to hold it in much longer.

"And Ashlynn holds down her puke! The boys win!" Chris yells, rubbing his stomach.

I laugh shakily, then walk out, going to the restroom.

I splash cold water on my face, then brush my teeth. Ugh, my stomach aches!

I walk out, nearly missing the guys walking up to the cruise ship.

I stand on the dock, high fiving them all. Duncan is in the back. When I high five him, I close my fingers around his, and I jerk him close.

"I'll miss you, babe." I tell him.

"I'll miss you two. I wish you could come with us."

I chuckle. "Don't worry, I'm gonna have my hands full here with the girls."

"Alright. Love you."

"I love you too," I answer.

He looks surprised. The horn honks on the ship, and he groans.

"This isn't over," he states, kissing me on the cheek. He then hops on the ship, and I turn away, blushing.

This will be a fun weekend.


End Of Chapter 17

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