Haute Campture

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Chris and Chef said they were gonna go film the loser's opinion on the final six, so we have the whole day off today. Maybe they actually have hearts after all...

I take a long, leisurely shower then get dressed into shorts, a Sleeping With Sirens shirt, and my black Vans. I slip my bathing suit on underneath, then put my makeup and piercings on.

I walk out, then climb back into my bed. I plug in Brandon Flowers on my Ipod. After going solo from The Killers, he pursued a completely different style from them-something more calming and romantic. I play "Still Want You."

Leshawna and Gwen are gone, swimming in the lake. I take this as my advantage of being as alone and private as possible, so I sing to myself.

Everyone's got a combination, if you put in the time

The numbers come like a revelation, you show me yours, I'll show you mine-


I start, leaping off the bed and crashing into the floor. "Jesus Christ!"

His turquoise eyes flash in amusement. "Get up, stranger. We're going for a swim."

"Since when was there a "we"?"

He frowned. "Just now. Let's go."

"I'm comfy here!" I complained.

"A darn shame," he said, snapping his fingers.

"I don't wanna..." I whined, pulling up the  bed covers to my eyes.

He walks over to me and lifts me up, so I'm piggy backing him. "Let's go!"

"No! Duncan! Put me down! I MEAN IT!"

He started a run, so I closed my hands over his eyes. "Ha! What are you gonna do about that?"


He tosses me into the water, and I go down cursing and sputtering. I surface, angry as ever.

He peers down at me from the dock, the glee on his face quickly changing to fear.

"Come down here, juvie boy! If you even have the guts!"

"No! You'll whoop my ass!"

"Aww, is the wittle Dunky-baby scared of a girl? Does he need his wittle dipey changed?"

"I'm not scared of a bitch!"

"Oh that's it boy, I'm coming for you."

I bolted up the ladder, while he sprinted off the dock. Luckily, I did Track, so I have a pretty good advantage over him.

I seize him by the shirt and tug him back. "C'mon juvie, you're going for a swim."

We get back to the dock, and as I'm about to push him down, he holds up his hands in surrender. "Wait! Gimme  my last words!" He smirks.

"Mmm...maybe. Make it quick. Your sentence will be messy,"

"You're looking very beautiful in those shorts,"

I laughed. "Nice try, kiss-ass."

I shove him down into the water, us laughing the whole time. Once he comes back up, he smirks.

"You really do look great today,"

I wave a hand. "Stop, you're embarassing me," I say sarcastically.

He gets up on the dock, then stretches out. "Whatever. I'm tired."

I lay down beside him. "Same."

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