Haute Campture (ct.)

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I walk out to the pool side, waiting for Trent. It was about half after six o'clock,  thirty minutes later than the practice time Trent and I discussed before our show at seven.  I started humming, to prep my voice.

"Ah! There you are!" Trent's voice called. I turned to the sound of his voice, smiling. He had his guitar slung over his shoulders and a bright smile

"You're a bit late." I pointed out, crossing my arms.

His smile faltered. "Oh uh..yeah, sorry. Umm..."

"I'm just teasing! It's okay-but lemme do some guesswork here-took a nice nap, perhaps dreaming of Gwen?"

He blushed a deep scarlet. "Well, uh-no, um.."

"It's fine. Let's just start the song, alright?"

He nodded, smiled, then started strumming the chords to the song. I opened my mouth, and let the words come out.

Everyone's got a combination

If you put in the time
The numbers come like a revelation
You show me yours
I'll show you mine
And when you're down, girl, you got to know this
Nobody else is in your room
We'll make it through

Time is passing by
I still want you
Crime is on the rise
I still want you
Climate change and debt
I still want you
Nuclear distress
I still want you
The Earth is heating up
I still want you
Hurricanes and floods
I still want you
Even more than I did before

I used to think that I knew the big time
Before you came around
But I was up in the velvet goldmine
And you put my feet back on the ground
A peace of mind is a lot to ask for
These silly days
But we got it made
Don't let it fade
Oh, no!

Time is passing by
I still want you
Crime is on the rise
I still want you
Climate change and debt
I still want you
Nuclear distress
I still want you
The Earth is heating up
I still want you
Hurricanes and floods
I still want you
Even more than I did before

And when your mind's made up
I'm gonna bring it down
And when you've got no time
You're gonna see it found
Your heart, grows cold
There's something on the line
It's hard for me to show
There's something you should know

Time is passing by
I still want you
Crime is on the rise
I still want you
Nuclear distress
I still want you
Climate change and debt
I still want you
The Earth is heating up
I still want you
Hurricanes and floods
I still want you
Even more than I did
Even more than I did


He pocketed his pick, then looked up at me with a heart-throbbing smile.

"They said you could sing, but I underestimated your voice completely. It's beautiful. Do you perform?"

"Well...if you count singing with my hairbrush as a microphone, in front of the mirror as public, then absolutely."

"I never took you as one of those girls."

"Yeah, no one does. I'd like to keep it that way. It's nice."

"Why did you change?"

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not an idiot.  I went to Maplewood High, also. You were the star of every bit of gossip for a long time, my friend."

I sighed. "I hated the attention, okay? I knew, deep inside, that I was not a girly girl. It wasn't my place in this world, and my boyfriend-"

Shit. I almost told him. The secret nobody else knows, except Bridgette, Duncan, and Geoff. I wondered why I told her-we were never the best of friends, and she might blab it to someone. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Nevermind." I covered up, while he raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"So, how are you and Gwen?" I prompted, crossing my legs Indian-style, and sitting up.

"How are you and Duncan?" he countered, turning to face me.

"I asked you first!"

"Well, ever since what happened with Heather-his face darkened-and she forgave me, we've been texting every night. It's the thing I look forward to most. She's the most incredible girl I've known all my life. She's unique, independent, intelligent, funny, cute, and best of all, she's beautiful as heck. I love her just the way she is, hair dye, black clothes, and all."

He peered curiously at me, and I blushed. Maybe I was okay after all, just the way I was. Before the piercings and the clothes.

Now that I think of it, I feel almost as if I'd stepped into a too-small dress. I feel uncomfortable wearing black all the time. Sometimes, I need a mix-up. The lip piercing is okay, but I don't need the rest. Maybe if I left my hair alone for a change, it would restore back to its prettier and healthier self. 

I realized tears were leaking out of my eyes, and I wiped at them. Thank God I had cleaned off my makeup. Otherwise, I'd look like a disaster.

"I get your point, Trent." I sighed, sniffling a bit.

He wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in a warm and cheering mood. 

"I'm sorry, Ash. I didn't mean to hit a sensitive spot. I just figured...ah heck, I'll stop talking now."

I smiled, then kissed him on the cheek. Not romantically, but friendly. We've only been talking for a day, but he feels like my brother.

I checked my watch, then gasped. "Trent! It's a quarter to seven already! We've wasted thirty minutes just talking!"

He laughed. "It's okay! We can still fit in a few more practices, I hope?"

"I'll take you up on that!"

So, until seven o'clock, when everybody finally appeared around the pool, we practiced the song. Trent and I stood on tables, prepping ourselves.

"GIMME SOME MUSIC, ALREADY!" Eva's voice screamed from a float in the pool.

I stared at Trent, who laughed in response.

"Well, before we start the show,  I'd like to say-"

BOOM. Thunder crackled overhead, interrupting my speech. Instantly, sheets of rain came pouring down, soaking me to the bone.

"Uh, EVERYONE INSIDE! THE SHOW'S POSTPONED UNTIL TOMORROW!" I screamed, running into the hotel. 

I rounded the hallway corner, then jumped into an elevator. I slammed my button, then when the door opened, I ran into the hot tub  room. 

I stepped out of my soaked clothes, changed into my bikini, then stepped into the hot tub.

I breathed a sigh of relief, then slipped my hair into a bun. The water warmed me up instantly, soothing my cold limbs. This is the life.

I stepped out, toweled off, then took a real shower and slipped on pj's. I switched on the tv, just flipping through dumb channels. My thumb on the button froze when I heard the theme for Total Drama Island. I knew that they would be filming us, but seeing an actual episode made it all too real. I almost forgot that they were filming it live, so whoever was eliminated, will actually arrive tonight. 

Duncan's face flashed on it, and I beamed. Heather and Gwen were running towards camp. The next thing I know, Owen is devouring a whole tray of sticky buns.

I lean back into my bed, then watch the rest of the episode. I tense at the elimination ceremony. 

Chris stares between Duncan and Owen.

"The person going home is......Duncan."

I blow out a held-in breath. I might get to see him tonight.

Pfft, not like I care or anything.

But I'll get to see him!

I beam as it shows him on the boat, then laugh as he screams. Damn bitch gets what he deserves.

I switch off the tv, then pulled the quilt over me. Duncan was coming tomorrow.

Well well, we are in trouble.


End Of Chapter 26

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