The Sucky Outdoors

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"Campers, today's challenge will determine your wilderness survival skills. In fact, some of you may not come out alive." Chris said.

We all sat at the campfire pit. Good thing I had dressed warm; it seems like we'll be in the woods. I was wearing sweats, a hoodie, and  boots. Yes, I know my outfits lately have been deriving from my normal getup, but hey, my school outfit isn't too comfortable. It's only purpose is to give me that punk look.

"Just joking! All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You'll just have to find it." 

He tossed a map and compass to Duncan and Heather, where Courtney snatched it from Duncan's hands. I snatched it back from her hands and stowed the tools in my pocket. I could feel Courtney's eyes bore into the back of my head. 

"Oh, and watch out for bears. We lost a couple of interns the other night...The first team back for breakfast tomorrow wins invincibility. Go!" 

He blew an air horn, and the teams submerged into the woods.

I shook out my shoulders. This'll be fun..Mom always took my camping for days at a time.

So why was I so nervous?


I soon found out the reason why.

Duncan was staring me down intensely as we were walking. I tried not to stare back, but I glanced secretly at him every few minutes. He didn't remember last night, did  he? couldn't be possible...

"Erm...this looks about ten minutes north, and we'll make it," I said.

Courtney snorted. "How can you tell time on a map?"

"Because I took a class in this, okay? I was once a C.I.T too, but I don't boast like you."

She gasped. " least I can make a list!"

"Big deal," I said, still studying the map while walking.

"It is a big deal! It separates a lazy, lousy person from a dignified, organized one!"

I turned to her. "Are we really going to argue about organization? Are you so petty that you're gonna continue this over a fucking map?"

She closed her mouth, her cheeks burning red. I watched her fists clench and unclench. 

I stopped. "We're here."

There were a couple rolls of sleeping bags, one tent, a large backpack, and a slip of paper.  I unpacked everything, then sighed in disbelief.

"No food? Fire starters?" Courtney whined.

"Nope. We'll have to get it on our own. Whatever. Okay, let's assign jobs then? Erm..what do you guys want to do?"

The others shrugged. "I don't know, you're kind of the leader now, right?" DJ spoke up.

"What? I never elected myself. I was just guiding you all to the campsite..."

"And that's why you're the leader. So you assign roles."

Courtney huffed in anger.

I shrugged. "Okay then. Okay, Geoff and Bridgette-set up tent. DJ and Tyler, food duty? And Courtney and Harold, get some firewood. Katie and-wait, hold on. Where did they go?"

Duncan shrugged. "Don't know, don't care."

"We'll be better off without them," Courtney spat, retreating into the woods with Harold.

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