Up A Creek

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I showered, letting the warm water slick down my body and ease the tension out of my shoulders. As long as Courtney was here, the tension will be making itself a new home in my shoulders. I turned the shower off, then wrapped a towel around my hair. I stepped into underwear and jeans, then took the towel off my hair and slipped a bra and scoop neck on. After brushing my hair, I scrubbed my teeth minty fresh and applied mascara, then replaced my piercings.

"Well, its rather nice seeing you in here, isn't it?" a voice asked.

I looked in the mirror, and I saw Duncan standing behind me, wearing only a towel that lingered on his hips. I tried not to make it too obvious I was staring at his heavily toned and tanned abs.

"Well, hello there." I said, fluffing up my hair. 

He wrapped his wet arms around me from behind, and I sighed. He smelled extremely good, like a strong mint and...Axe. But the Axe was more toned down, not that disgustingly strong stuff most boys use.

"Like what you see?" he laughed, burying his face in my neck.

"Nah, although you do have a rather nice six-pack...of pudding cups!" I chuckled. He turned me to face him, an amused look on his face.

He slapped at me, but I ducked and his hand hit the sink.

"Fuck!" he cursed, nursing is hand.

I laughed. "Karma is quite a bitch, isn't it?"

"You're a bitch," he retorted, staring down at me.

I pressed a hand to my heart. "I take that as a compliment, thank you."

"You're not welcome."

I tried to think of a decent comeback, but I failed. "Shut up."

"That's sad. All you can think of is shut up?"

"Well, you're kinda..."

"Kinda what?"


"Distracting you?" he teased. But when he saw my deep blush, he laughed heavily.

"Oooh....Ashlynn has a crush," he said in a sing song voice.

I smacked him in the chest. "You're my boyfriend. Is it wrong to stare?"

"Nah..but is it wrong to do this?" he asked, then grabbed onto my shoulders, tugging me closely to him.

He pressed his lips onto mine, and our lips matched into rhythm. He pressed me against the sink, snaking his arms around my waist. I cupped his face in my hands, and deepened the kiss.

"Wow, in the bathroom guys?" Bridgette's voice chuckled. 

We broke apart, my face feeling rather red.

"Oh, you'll see one day, missy. You'll be worse than us."  I retorted, smiling. 

She rolled her eyes, then walked over to a stall and stepped into it.

"I think you should really go get dressed." I told Duncan, jabbing him in the chest with my finger.

He smirked. "That's not what you told me last night."

I smacked him lightly in the face, and he laughed, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay. You have me this time. But I'm pretty sure we both know that's not what you really want..."

I blushed, shaking my head. 

"You're a special boy." I laughed,

"It takes one to know one..."

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