Just Relax...Part 1

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Today, Chris called for a relax day because we had been working so hard, apparently. I brought out my laptop, and pulled up Skype. I texted my friend Jaxon.

Me: BUDDY! Wanna Skype?

Jaxon: YES! RIGHT NOW! I gotta show you something!

Immediately, his username requested to Skype with me, and in seconds, I was face to face with a stranger. 

I screamed, nearly dropping my laptop. Thank goodness everyone had left the cabin.

"Who are you?" I shrieked.

"Chill! It's just me, Jax!"

"But you're so..different!"

He used to have platinum blonde spray dye hair , dark gray contacts, and a super skinny frame. Now, he had short, brown hair, deep brown eyes, and he had gained a lot of muscle.

"Yeah, I went for a more natural look."

"But you're so....weird!"

"Wanna know a funny thing? A girl called me hot yesterday!"

"Well, you're cute, don't get me wrong, but you're just not the Jax I know. The Jax I have come to love.."

"We can still hang, right?"

"Yeah, of course!"

"Good then, because there's something I needed to tell you."

"Shoot away, weirdo."

"Well..I was kinda hoping with this change...maybe you could change with me? I mean, just your appearance and...umm...oh shit."

He had stopped by the disgusted look on my face. "Jax, you know I can't change, right?"

"Well, can't you just like, ditch the piercings? Or maybe just dye your hair back or something?"

"Um, no? Why would I do that?"

"Well..you just looked... better...before."

I cleared my throat. "You wanna know why I changed, Jax? I was tired of being the center of ATTENTION. I hated it."

"Well, that failed, didn't it? Because now you got more attention from changing into a hottie into a freak!"

I froze, my face reddening.

"You, Mom, school kids.." I murmured.

"No! Ash, please! Don't exit out on me..wait!" he wailed. 

I clicked out of the screen, then shut my laptop. I placed it back in the bag, then stepped outside, still in my tank and sweats. I had already brushed my teeth and hair before, but hey. It's a lazy day.

I dashed to the forest, searching for an Ashlynn-sized tree. Once I found a likely candidate, I climbed up to about twenty feet, then closed my eyes.

I wrapped my arms around the trunk, holding tightly for safety. And I let the tears fall. 

Ten minutes later, my eyes were still burning, but I had cried out every bit I could. I climbed down from the tree, changed into a fresh pair of clothes, applied makeup, then ate a quick breakfast. I then collapsed on my bed and put on music.

The song "Bullet" by Hollywood Undead played.

So if I survive then I'll see you tomorrow.

Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.

I tried drifting off to sleep, but woke up instantly when there was a quiet knocking on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

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