The Job

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Of course the job was in Gotham the one place I wanted to get away from. It didn't matter I would just do the job, get the money then get as far away from here as possible. We came to the address of the client, I was surprised to see it was Gotham's very own Mike Stone. Stone was a big time businessman so was his wife. His kid on the other hand wanted nothing to do with his work." Thank you  for meeting me.", he said when he walked into the room.

Roy, as always, asked when we would get the money. Stone shoot a look at him and I slapped him across the head." What's the mission." I said watching Roy rub his head.
"Glad you asked, my daughter Skyler Stone will be going on tour in a couple of hours and I want her to be safe." He said." The tour will last six months."

Remember when I told you that Stones kid wanted nothing to do with his kind of business well she went into the music business instead. I thought for a few moments then turned to Roy who stopped rubbing his head he nodded then I agreed with the deal.
Stone lead us downstairs to his limousine and we went to the concert hall where Skyler Stone was doing sound check with her crew. When we walked in Roy with his big mouth said what I was thinking," She's hot!😃" she stopped sound check and everything was awkwardly quiet in the hall. They all just stared at us." What you people never seen two X- Heroes just randomly at a superstars sound check before ?!" After what he just said all I could do is face palm myself. Skyler started walking off the stage and towards us when she was right in front of Roy I swear he was in pain. Wait, why was he in pain that's when I noticed she was standing on his foot and pressure pointing his arm, impressive.

"Who are you?, How did you get in?, Why are you here?!" She growled at him. She twisted his arm which resulted with Roy on his knees. When I tried to help him out she whipped her leg around and onto my throat sending me into the wall behind us. I didn't see that coming, very impressive. She turned back to Roy and asked him again. As she twisted his arm even more. He was about to spill when her father stepped in yelling at her.

"Skyler what are you doing!" He sounded surprised I couldn't tell I was passing out due to the lack of air from her foot being on my throat. The last thing I remember was Roy screaming in pain.

..................Skyler's POV......................
The one in the hood was slowly passing out, the one in my hand was watching in horror of how a pop star just kicked his but. I let my foot down and let him go only to kick him in the head and knock him out. The other one was limp against the wall." Skyler Stone!" I heard my father scream. I turn to see him quite angry." Why would you do that they were here to protect you!" My eyes widened for a moment but only a moment.
"They walked in without passes and they were  armed!" I argued grabbing the hooded guys gun.
"I paid them to protect you on tour!" He continued.
"I don't need your hired protection I can take care of my self!" I snapped.

"Please I want the family to be safe." His voice dialed down but that just fueled my anger even more.

"You want the family to be safe?! Oh that's rich dad! If that's how you felt you would have stopped THEM from taking MOM!" Now I when to far but I didn't care I was to mad to care.
His eyes started to water as he said," I loved your mother and they new that that is why they took her, to teach me a lesson. I can't afford to lose you too. So I'm begging you, not as a businessman but as your father to please except them to protect you."
My head lowered as a single tear made its way down my face." Fine they can stay, but you have to go, NOW!" I cried. He would have argued but then I screamed," SECURITY!!!" And they escorted him out of the hall, as they did all I could think about was my mom singing me one of her lullabies as I ran to my dressing room and cried for her for hours.

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