Save The Show

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It's been five weeks on tour with Skyler, so far we've had a great time. I still don't trust her with my secret identity, at least not yet but we've grown pretty close. Me and Roy walk into Skylers bus to find her singing a new song. We get to the side were she can't see us, it's become a habitat to hide when she sings we don't like to bother her." I need a hero! I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night! He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta be fresh from the fight."She sang.
"WOW!!" Roy. She stopped and took bow smiling." Well sweetheart you out did yourself on that one." Roy commented.
"Why thank you but that wasn't even the tip of the spear." She replied. She walked over to a water bottle and chugged it down. That's when I saw something in the shadows I focus on it then I lost it, dang it." Hey hood are you ok?" She seemed worried.

"Uh ... yeah I'm fine songbird." I said while smirking.
Her and Roy raised an eyebrow,"songbird?" She questioned crossing her arms.
" what you call me hood and Arsenal calls me Jaybird!"😳oh god I didn't just say that! Please tell me I didn't give her a hint to my name!
Her face lit up as did Roy's face." Jay... Jaybird!!!😆" she laughed falling to the floor my cheeks went red. Shoot!!!" Well now I won't call you hood any more ok." She tried to be serious now," Jaybird!" She broke down laughing again. I rolled my eyes.
"Don't you have a concert to get to?" I sighed. She stopped laughing and ran around the bus getting her stuff then she stopped at us.
"Get out I need to get ready!" She yelled pushing us out. Over two hours later she came out dressed as a.. A SUPER HERO!!😱. I was speechless the costume was really nice." What do you guys think?" She asked. Still speechless.

"Wow sweetheart you look amazing!" Roy was stunned. She twirled around letting her cape flow than settle at her sides.
"The next concert is in Star City which I am pretty sure you came from!" She turned to Arsenal." So this concert is going to be all about Heroes." He smiled." Oh I almost forgot you guys are in the show!"
WHAT!!! "No, No, No and Noooo!" I told her. She gave me a pouty face and Roy joined her. I looked at Roy, "seriously.😒" They didn't change." Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, alright we'll do it!" I grumbled in defeat. They both squealed like girls( low Roy low)." But No wearing spandex!!" I warned.
"Deal. Now let's rehearse the steps I only have a couple hours to teach you how to dance."

We rehearsed for ours, I now have a new respect for dance. So we are in Star City the place Roy grew up. RING! RING! I take out my phone to hear Mr. Stone on the other end." Hello." I answered.
"Oh thank god you picked up!" He seems tense." Ok I don't have much time but I think Skyler is in danger tonight."
"What do you mean Stone?" What was he talking about?
" just make sure she's extra protected." With that he hung up. Well I don't think Stone has to worry since we'll be on stage with her but better safe than sorry. I call up Star Cities local hero Green Arrow to provide that extra security.
"Alright I'm hear." The minute Oliver walked in Roy shot me a look." Hey Roy good to see you." He smiled. Roy said hi and walked off with his old mentor to catch up on lost time. So I went to go see Skyler on stage.

"This show is going to be the best one of my career!" She told me. Great so how do I tell her there's a slight chance she might die during the best show of her career.
"Look songbird..." I started.
"Yes Jaybird." She teased. I gave her a look." Stoping now." She muttered.

"I think you might be in danger during the show." She stopped working then looked at me.
" what are you talking about?" She was tense now." Oh my god, he called you didn't he! My dad called you!" She shouted. How do I respond to a girl that is probably thinking of ways to kill me.
"Calm down it was just to warn me of a potential threat." I defended him. She took a deep breath then listened to what I had to say. I informed Roy and Oliver about the plan later on.

The show
A crowd of thousands chanting my name, smoke on the stage and I come in dressed in regular clothes." Hello Star City!!" I scream into my headset. The crowd roars." Alright well we have an awesome show for you guys and some surprises so stay with me because this is a show you don't want to miss!"

Jason's POV
The trap was set, me and Roy on either side of the stage, Oliver somewhere in the crowed. If there was an assassin they were going to miss there target. Halfway through the concert it was time for me and Roy to go on stage with Skyler.
The backup singers start." Do da- da doom da-da-da doom ga- gay."X4.
Then Skyler,"where have all the good men gone and were all the gods. Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds. Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late night I toss and turn and dream of what I need.
I need a hero! I'm holding out for hero till the end of the night! He's got to be strong and he's got to be fast and he's got to be fresh from the fight!
I need a hero! I'm holding out for hero till the morning light! He's got to be sure and it's got to be soon and he's got to be larger than life!" Backup,"larger than life." Then some ninjas drop in surrounding Skyler and her backup dancers. Don't worry it's part of the show." Do da- da doom da- da- da Dom ga-gay"X2. Skyler," Somewhere after midnight in my wildest fantasy. Somewhere just to beyond my reach there someone reaching back for me. Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat. It's going to take Superman to sweep me off my feet.
I need a hero! I'm holding out for hero till the end of the night! He's got to be strong and he's got to be fast and he's got to be fresh from the fight.
I need a hero! I'm holding out for hero till the morning light! He's got to be sure that it's got to be soon and he's got to be larger than life, larger than life." And that's are Q. Me and Roy leap on stage and surround the fake ninjas. As the guitar starts we start( play) fighting and Skyler keeps singing. I use blanks and Roy is using cushioned arrows and I'm sure Oliver took out his phone and taped this. That's when the lights go out. And more ninjas jump on stage. In case you thought this was still part of the show well ITS NOT!!!!!
"Awwwwwwww, I was really liking the spotlight.😩" Roy. Luckily we were prepared I had live rounds and Oliver came on stage as Green Arrow and threw Arsenal his real quiver. We stalled so Skyler could get out." Well someone start playing action music because this is going to get cool!" He screamed as he backflips and shoots three smoke arrows as the battle begins. I start to fire my twin pistols providing cover so Roy and Oliver can get to a high vantage point. Once in there spots I jump off stage as they fire explosive arrows at the ninjas. The smoke clears and we do hand to hand combat with the ninjas which is my specialty. I block two hits then uppercut one right in the face then grab him and thrust his head into my knee. Another one comes at me, I through the ninja I knocked out into the other ninja then shot him in the kneecaps and finally head butting him with the back of one of my pistols. I'm the best at hand to hand combat😏. Just then I'm whacked in the head with a recking ball so hard I cracked half my helmet off!! As I fall to the ground my vision is clouded and I see a black and orange figure walking towards me, Deathstroke, Oliver and Roy get his attention by firing arrows which he easily doges. He breaks both there bows and just as he's going to kill Roy.... POW!! Deathstroke is punched across the face by a hooded figure. The figure wore a long purple trench coat with a hood, the sleeves were rolled up to the shoulders and it wore long gloves up to its elbows. It wore something like purple combat boots, under that it wore a black under armor suit with small purple designs in the front and a high tech utility belt that went around the waist in an X shape. My vision came back and I saw that it was a ... A GIRL!!! She had two bows on her back that she took off and gave to Roy and Oliver then ran up to Deathstroke and hit him with and electric guitar. Together we made Deathstroke retreat, we won. I turned to our mysterious savior and she immediately turned away.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Your helmet broke." She replied. Oh yeah I forgot. She handed me a hoodie that covered my face pretty well." Thanks for the save." I told her.
"No problem Jaybird!" She replied. Oh my crazy God! It's SKYLER!!!!!!
Roy and Oliver are stunned.
"What the... How did you... You... WHAT!!!" Roy said confused. She simply laughed.
"Are you ok Arsenal?" She's still laughing.
"No I'm not now what the hey just happened!" He demanded. We all scolded her. She told us about her mom and Savage that when she was healed her father sent her to train with the league of shadows. We talked about it alone Oliver thought that she should be further trained and he was to busy and we wouldn't we had work and she would just get in the way. Besides a super star just going missed all night would just draw attention. After all this was a onetime thing. Eventually we decided and the decision was.....

Ha ha sorry guys but if you want to know there decision you have to wait for the next chapter if you want to see what happens to Skyler and the guys. I will try to have more gust star superheroes. If you want to hear the song Skyler sings its Holding Out For A Hero by Frou Frou and in the last chapter the song was In My Arms by Plump. This is batsbabygirl thank you so mush for viewing my story please share this with friends and read my other story's. Also Arsenal says " what the hey I ment to put that I don't curse so my characters don't curse follow me and I'm trying to get over 50 views right now so please share with friends!!!!!!

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