Is it to late now to say sorry

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Last night after I punched Sky I couldn't sleep. I went to the bathroom and turned the water on and let it run. I couldn't get her bruised face out of my head. Then I had flashbacks of when I was brought back then I hear his disappointed voice in my head. He said my name and I snapped out of it.
I decided to drive to the gift shop to get Sky an apology present. You know for hitting her. Before I did I went to a store because I saw some thugs in the window.

When I got to the gift shop I realized that I didn't know what to get her. Uh what do you get a girl that you just punched in the face? I look around to see what I could get . I can't decide so I sprinted through the isles and grabbed random things. When I was done I had a bouquet of flowers, some stuffed teddy bear, a snow globe and an apology card. I pay for the stuff and headed for the safe house.

I walk in quietly so I don't wake her up. Roy and Grayson were both sleeping and with the place to myself I decided to get everything ready for when she wakes up. I took a shower then tried my best to recreate the breakfast Sky made on tour. I knew she was an early bird, so are Roy and Grayson. So to make sure they didn't disturb this I bolted there doors shut then used my grapple wire to tie there doors together so no matter how hard they pulled the other would pull just as hard.😈. I left the card in her room and attached a string to it leading down to the kitchen. Yes I realize how corny that is but I've never apologized for hitting someone, why I start now?, I don't know.

Skyler when she wakes up
I woke up and my face started to hurt. I get out of bed then walk to the bathroom. When I look in the mirror there is a long bruise on my left cheek. How did that?.... Oh right. Jason hit me. I examined the bruise, I know he didn't mean it. He'd never hurt me before. I only went in his room because he was screaming. God it sounded like he was slowly being killed. I went to his room and he was sweating like crazy and he was mumbling," I'm sorry." So when I woke him up he lashed out.

Oh well. I go back to my room and find a card on my dresser. I open it. It was an apology card and it had instructions to follow the string attached to it. I did as the card told me and found a teddy bear on the couch in the living room. A smile came across my face as I picked it up and kept going. I reach the kitchen to find a breakfast ready for me a Bouquet of flowers in the center. Jason was standing behind the table, my smile faded. It was silent, he was scared and I avoided eye contact." So... Uh um please sit down." He told me. I walk to a chair as he pulls it out and I sit down. He puts a plate in front of me and it's my moms breakfast plate. The bread and eggs and sausage it's just like how she made it. I feel a tear go down my face as I think of her.

Jason's POV
Oh No! She's crying! Oh snap what did I do wrong?!" Oh please don't cry sunshine." i say barely above a whisper. SUNSHINE REALLY JASON, THATS THE BEST YOU CAN COME UP WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Look i just wanted to say that im sorry. i've been having...... distubing dreams lately and you just came in at a wrong time." i looked up at her, she stopped crying but her hair was covering her eyes and her mouth was straight. then she did something unexpected.

"HA! HA! HA! HA!" she was laughing! i was confussed. Hear I am poring my heart out about how sorry I am and she's laughing!" Jason I.., I'm not upset with you!" She managed to say I between laughs." You had a nightmare and I should have known better than to sneak up on you like that." She was so calm.
"But but you have a show coming up and..." She cut me off.
"And what this?" She pointed at the bruise and I looked at the table in shame." Jay this is nothing a little stage makeup can't fix." With that we heard banging from Roy and Grayson's Romans upstairs. She turned to me." Did you lock them in there rooms?!" She asked me. I gave her a look that told her the answer. We ran upstairs to there rooms and she looked at my little trap with interest. Then she started laughing at it.
Roy could hear her and he called out to her," Sky, Skyler is that you?!" She kept laughing." Sky this isn't funny, now let me out! I have to pee!" She started untying my nots and I did the same for Grayson's door. Before she opened it she looked at me with a smile and I gave her a smirk. I backed up from Grayson's door then kicked it open. All the bolts went flying and he was not there. Wait what! I hurry and do the same to Roy's door, which I immediately regret." Alright why would you two lock me in my room?! Jay I thought we where partners the prank kings, are own dynamic duo! And you!" Roy looked at Sky full of anger." Welcome to the team.😉." Wait what? Before I could be confused about this the doorbell rang. Roy and Sky ran downstairs and I jumped off the railing plopping right in front of Sky. I turn around to see her shocked and jealous face and I gave her an almost innocent smile. I turn back to the door, open it and there stands Grayson with my replacement and............................................................................................................,..................................................................................... Stephanie Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We need to talk." She tells me as they walk in and she closes the door behind her.

Eeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Yes she is hear now sorry I haven't updated but it's hear now. I won't come back to this story for awhile😖😖😖😖😖😖  I have other stories that need my attention. In the meantime read those. This is batsbabygirl saying I LOVE SPOILERS RETURN!!!!!! And so do all of you😉.

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