Secrets and Misunderstandings

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Last night was hard for Sky. I feel bad. Well every day she gets more like an outlaw I guess, I mean me and Jaybird don't have moms. I decided to check on her. When I opened her door I got the SHOCK of my life.

I was on FaceTime with Korri, better known as Starfire. Anyway I wanted to show Korri are new outlaw.
"Yeah and our last mission she used a chandelier!!!" I told her.
"Wow I would really like to meet this Skyler Stone." She said intrigued.
"Sure let me just wake her up." I open the door to her room." Hey Sky wake up I have a friend I want you to meet." I called to her. In response I get a groan from her. "Come on." I thought for a second." Please, Jason madly in love with you and he wants to ask you out when you get down stairs." I lied.

Just then a figure popped up from behind her and yelled at me with a deep raspy voice. "Rooooooyyyy!!!"It looked like death itself, the grim Reaper was here to take away Sky!!!!
When my head came out of my imagination I saw that this Grim Reaper was really only Jason. Wait a minute....," JASON!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! JASON!!!!" I screamed. Korri was on the phone laughing her but off.

Jason and Sky at the same time
J/S: I was finally waking up from last night. Why is Roy in here? Who is he on the phone with? Wait a minute...
( they think at the same time.)
S: Jason came in my room last night.
J: I was in Sky's room last night.

S: I asked him to stay with me.
J: I stayed with her.

S: I thought he left when I fell asleep?!
J: Darn I fell asleep!! I ment to leave when she calmed down.
J/S: look up at Roy.( who is horrified at a thought.)
S: ( feels for Jason behind her, feels his chest) OMG, JASONS IN MY BED!!!
S/J: Roy must think...... OH MY GOD Roy must think we!!!!!"
Sky realizing the situation, shoves a pillow in Jason's face and holds him down.
" mph!!!" Jason called surprised at her reaction.
"Korri I have to call you back." Arsenal says hanging up on her." Ok both of you out of bed NOW." They do as there told and get out of the bed. Roy then drags them to the living room and stands in front of them like a disappointed parent and them sitting like the kids in trouble. "Ok Jason what the hey were you doing in Skys bed last night?!" He demanded. Jason wasn't listening he was so full of rage that Roy would lie and say that he liked Sky.
"Don't use that tone with me Roy!" He snapped." Why the hey would you say I was madly in love with Sky!!!" Made Sky realize something about Jason. Sky started laughing, Jason calmed down, curious about what she was laughing at." Sky this isn't funny." He snapped.
She kept laughing, unable to speak she pointed above the two boys. They both looked in that direction to find Tim, Stephanie and Dick all on the staircase watching the argument in amusement.
"Please don't mind us." Tim teased. They all laughed at this." So Jay I didn't know you were that fast. I mean isn't she like your sidekick."
Jason felt that was uncalled for he looked back at Sky... She was gone.

"I wouldn't call myself a sidekick Tim." Her voice echoed." But I mean if that's what you think." Her voice was behind Tim now. He quickly spun around and then was kicked on the right side.
Then the left. Tim fell to the floor clutching his sides." I guess it is an effective move." Sky said with an evil little smile.
Everyone stared in shock and speechless. How did she move so fast?! Why did no one notices her leave?!" Uhhhhh.... We didn't teach her that." Roy said. Jason focused on sky, he had seen that before. When he was resurrected and trained by the League of Assassins. She said she was in the league but I never asked for how long.
"What are you all staring at?" She asked. Jason gave her a look that made her realize she never full explainedwhat happened during her Tim in the League of Assassins. "Ohhhh you all want to know where I learned that." She said embarrassed. Stephanie shook her head yes. They all gathered in the living room to be more comfortable." Alright what do you want to know? I'm an open book." She said plopping down on the sofa. Tim asked her first where she learned that." I think you know the answer to that Timmy." Sky said with smile. Then Stephanie asked how long she was with the league." Ummm.... 2 years." Sky replied. Roy asked her how much she learned from the league." Well everything other then boxing. Pressure points, deathblows, balance, karate, meditation. A lot of things." She told him. Jason noticed that she said deathblows.
"You said deathblows... Did you kill anyone?" He asked. There was a moment of silence." You don't have to tell if you don't want to." He assured her.
"No it's fine. I trust you." She said with a smile." My mom didn't like violence. But she wanted me to defend myself. When the news showed a dead body or something she never had the stomach to look at it. Frankly neither do I. Bit it was the League of Assassins, kill or be killed. Yes I did kill, but I never watched myself kill them. I would blindfold myself or close my eyes but I never looked at them. I would try to make it swift when I could but not all the time. They started to call me The Innocent Killer. I killed but never actually saw them die." Sky finished. The room was silent for a long time. Jason couldn't believe that Sky could kill, he saw that she didn't like it, not like him. He would gladly kill anyone back then. Sky left the room to let the others think of what to do with her. After an hour Jason found her at the park.
Jason's POV
I walked up to her slowly trying to figure out how to break the news gently. I didn't want to lose Sky. I don't know why but I have this urge to be near her at all times." I understand if you don't want to train me anymore. It was fun Jay." She said while remembering all the good times together.
"Now hold on a minute sunshine... I didn't say goodbye, one. And two I never leave stuff unfinished." I cut her off. A thankful smile formed upon her face as she hugged me. I hugged back and we just stood there until I pulled back." Sky you know me like the back of your hand so tell me... What was I to you?" I asked.
"You where like a best friend Jay." She started." Then you where a brother." Wait I was a what to her. "Then you where my.............. well you died." She was holding something back.
"Noooooooo, there was something else, I was something else." I teased. She avoided eye contact with me and started at the pond." Ok then." An evil smile appeared on my face and I scoped her up.
"JASON!!! PUT ME DOWN!!!!" She screamed.
"NO! Not until you tell me who I was to you!!" I shouted playfully. I bounced her on my shoulder and spun her around but she didn't spill. "If you don't tell I'll through you in the pond." I threatened.
"JASON PETER TODD!!!!!!" She yelled. I walked over to the edge of the pond and held her just above the water." Jason don't please!!!" She cried. I let her slip just a little and she held me tight.
" I'm losing my grip." I warned her.
"MY CRUSH!!! You where my crush." She cried.
Wait what. I put her down on the grass and sat next to her." I was your crush?" I asked.
"Yeah, you were but.... You liked someone else so I was the third wheel." She confessed. Wow I must have been a real jerk. How could I not see how beautiful she was or how funny, smart and creative she was." You always liked blondes." She said. Even though Roy lied about me being madly in love with Sky he wasn't wrong. I might just Sky.
She curled up I a ball." Well you know I just might be into brunettes now. In fact there's one particular brunette I'm interested in now." I said. She looked up." That's if you don't mind dating a zombie."
She was silent but soon gave me a sweet smile." I'd like that." I don't know why but I felt that everything bad that's ever happened to me... It all went away like I never died. I leaned in closer to her, our lips so close but then she put her fingers on my mouth.
"What's wrong?" I asked backing away.
"I'm sorry Jay it's not you its that... I... I never kissed anyone and I ... I don't think I'm ready." Sky looked up with apologetic eyes.
I smiled at her." It's ok Songbird. I can wait." I told her. And we just sat there watching the sun set.

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