Endgame Pt.2

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We all watched as she ran at the Red Hood... He pulled out his pistols ready to end her, then....

IS HE CRAZY?!?!?!?!?!
"Sky I'm not gonna hurt you... I would never. But you need to calm down before you hurt yourself." He tells her.
She doesn't listen and she tackles him to the ground and starts choking him.
I get up but he puts his hand up... telling us not to interfere.
He struggles to get her hands off his throat so he can breath but its not working.
"What makes you think you can stop me? You a piece of filth under my boot. What makes you worthy enough for me not to tear you limb from limb." She growls at him.

"I wasn't.... talking....to you....
Now... give me.... back..... my..... GIRLFRIEND!!!!!" Non of us saw it coming. The bat on in his chest eletricuted her!
"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" She screams. Then he pushed her off of him.

Jason's POV

Jesus!!! I thought I'd never get her off!
Once I get her off I lay there breathing heavily.
"Jay? Jason?!" I hear.
I don't move, to weak from being choked by my girlfriend.
... Now that I think about it... this is the second time she's done that.... not a very healthy relationship.
The figure of Huntress appears over me.
"Jason can you hear me?" She says.
I sit up slowly...
"Yeah Helena, I..... I didn't know you cared." I joked.
She gives me a look," Yeah your you alright." She walks away from me.
"What is with your girlfriend?" Canary asked me.

"That's classified Canary." I say with my signature smile." That doesn't happen often but when it does its best to stay out of her way." I look at Sky.

i know she doesn't mean it... i understand why shes like that. shes different that's all... we're all different. just then Barbra was heard in my headset.

" Red Hood did you stop her?" she asks.

"Yeah I did Oracle shes out now but she'll be waking up soon." I say. I realized everyone tensed up when I said that. "Relax ladies she'll be herself when she wakes up." They all relaxed. Then sky started to wake up.

"Don't say anything about this." i tell the others as i walk over to sky.

"oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh.... this feels worse then when i fell of a zipline." she whines. I smile under my helmet. That's my Sky alright.

"Hey there sunshine. How you feeling?" I ask.

"Jason.... what are you doing here?" she asked confussed. Oh right I wasnt here before she changed.

"Uummm.... I was in the area and though you might need some help." I lied. I help her up and we walk to the others. After realizing that Deathstroke got away the birds left to follow his trail. Leaving me with Sky.

"Jay." she said in a low voice.

"Yeah songbird."

"I'm tired." she puts her head on my shoulder.

I pick her up and she raps her arms around my neck. and walk to my car that was parked in a nearby ally.
As she rests on the back seat I get a call from the bats.
"Go." I say answering his call.
"You and Spoiler need to come to the cave." He orders me.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because we have new information on Savage."
I look over to a sleeping Sky and bite my lip to keep myself from yelling at the thought of him hurting her.
"Alright we're on are way." I say changing the direction of the car.

A few moments later the car comes to a screeching halt in the batcave.
I forgot Sky was in the back seat and she flew into the front without warning." JASON! WHAT THE HECK?!?!" She screams at me.

"Sorry songbird. Maybe next time you'll have a seatbelt on." I kiss her head lightly and we get out of the car.
"Everyone is here. From Azrel to the Bat himself.
"What's going on?" Sky asks staying close to me.
"Something about Savage." I answer.
We make are way to the group and listen as Batman explains why were all here.
"I've called you all here cause we will need every member of the Batfamily to stop an aproching threat. Vandal Savage has been making incomplete clones of Hawkman And Hawkgirl. An army to be exact." A video taken from my helmet is shown on the batcomputer. It's when they attacked Sky's house. The video pauses when a clear image of the male clone is shown." These things are dangerous. They have no mind, no emotion. To savage the perfect soldier. As far as we know only one person can take them down." He looks over at me and Sky.
I shake my head no cause I know what he plans to do next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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