The Dream girl and the Pop star are one in the same

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"Sure what's his name?" I asked.
"Jason Todd." What!

She said JasonTodd! She said JasonTodd! I'm JasonTodd! Holy snap! How does she know JasonTodd?!" Um Redhood are you ok?" She was concerned.
"How do you know Jason Todd?" I asked with a serious voice.
"Well we've been friends since I was little. He got me through a lot of stuff he was my best friend. I lost contact with him when I was 14. I just want you to see if he's ok." 14 that was 3 years ago, I was 15 that's when I died. Oh what do I tell her? Do I tell her it's me or that Jason Todd died both are true right? "Just make sure he didn't get into trouble, ok." She left. I fell back on the bed. God! If she is telling the truth then why can't I remember her and if she's lying then why would she lie. I think it's best that I just leave and forget the subject. I grab my stuff and walk out. Skyler was staring at the sunset.

"Hey it's time to eat Jason!" The little girl." Jason come on!"

"I'm coming!" I called. I run over to her when I remembered something." Hold on I forgot my present for you. I run back down the hill and grab a box. When I turn aroud I see her staring at the sunset and I realize she's wearing a nice dress. I run back and hand her the box. She opens it.
"Huh, wow Jason it's beautiful how did you know I wanted the silver locket?" She squealed.
"Just a hunch. I actually saw you looking at it in the window for the last few days." She blushed then hugged me." Happy birthday Skyler."

What the...!!! So the little girl is Skyler! I guess this is the universe telling me to tell her. I walked up to her," Skyler can we talk it's about that favor." She came closer.
"Yes what is it?" She looked at me hopefully.
"What if I told you this Jason died." I started and her face saddened." Then he came back to life. Then became crazy. Then became a masked vigilante who doesn't remember you at all." I was scared about her reaction.
"Wha... What?" She stuttered." He died. Then was brought back to life?! Then became a masked vigilante!" She took a deep breath." Oh my God... It's you. Your Jason." I didn't argue." Prove it."
"Prove it. Prove that you are Jason Todd." She was about to slap me I know it. I took off my helmet then the domino mask showing her my face." Those eyes... You aren't lying you are him." She can read people? After that I told her everything. Me being Robin, the Joker killing me, being brought back, everything up until now." I want in." She said.
"Wait what?"
"I want to be a hero. I have the money and resources." She explained.
"But you don't have the training!" I argued.
She thought for a moment." Well then you'll have to teach me." She was obviously determined to do this with or without my help.
"Fine. But you have to do everything I say one slip up and your done. Got it." I warned. She nodded her head." Ok we go to Blood Haven tomorrow and start training." She jumped for joy at that comment and ran away I guess to go pack. God what did I just do.

Hi! Short I know but there going to Blood Haven!! Who do you think they'll meet there. Check out my others story's like, follow, comment please. Redhood says "holy snap" I meant to write that. I don't curse my characters don't curse!

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