Uninvited guest

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OH MY GOD!!!! What the hey is he doing hear! I look down stairs to see my father coming home with the man who has been discreetly trying to kill me!!!! I just stood there paralyzed with fear. Roy came to my side and jumped at the sight of Savage downstairs. "Both of you go to my room and suit up." I tell the boys.
"No way! If you think I'm leaving you alone with HIM you are sadly mistaken!" Jason protested.
"Fine but take Roy to my room first." I said. They did as I told them and left me to face Savage.
Dad and Savage were talking so I cleared my throat. They both looked up and my eyes locked with Savages eyes.
"Hello father." I said breaking the gaze.

"Sky.... I wasn't expecting you to be here. I thought you were still on tour." My father stated.
"That was canceled due to uh... Uninvited guests." I tell him looking at Savage.
"Oh, well that's to bad. So why are you here?" Dad asks.
"Oh well... Let's talk over dinner." I say coming down stairs.
We walk to the dining room and I keep my distance from Savage. Soon Jason came running down the hall to join us.

Jason's POV
As I ran I wanted to punch Savage right in the face for what he did to Sky. Before she sat down I pulled out herchair like a gentleman and sat next to her before Savage could.
"So who is this Sky?" Her father asked.
"Oh... Right... Dad this is Jake Trevers." She says then I hold her hand under the table. She gives me a smile, I gaze into her beautiful brown eyes." My Boyfriend." She states. At that moment her dad immediately death glared me, it was nothing compared to the bat glare but still it was slightly intimidating... Slightly.
To confirm this I wrap my arm around Sky then kiss her cheek.

 To confirm this I wrap my arm around Sky then kiss her cheek

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"Yes sir this little beauty is all mine." I say.
I look to Savage and see he has a devilish grin on, and not in a good way like I do.
We didn't do much else just ate the food. Me and Sky not taking are eyes off of Savage. Eventually Sky had enough." Ok that's it!" She says slamming her fork on the table." What the hey is he doing here!"

"Sky!" Her father yells in shook of his daughters outburst.
"Tell me now!" She snaps.
Savage stood up and I placed my hand on my gun ready to take it out.
"Well spitfire... You haven't lost your spark." He says calmly." I think it's time she learned the real family business. Don't you Mr. Stone?" He says looking to her father." But first...."
I feel a sharp pain come from my shoulder and I feel myself fall back into my chair. "Aaahhh!" I screech as I hold my shoulder trying to keep the red liquid from poring out of me.
"Jason!" I hear Sky cry out.
"I said you could hear not your boyfriend." Savage states." Be happy I only shoot him in the shoulder."
"You son of a... gun!" She yells grabbing my gun and pointing it at Savage. This however did not phase him." Your father has been collecting DNA samples of Halkman and Halkgirl. To see what gives them there power. He has also inventing mechanisms to trap, torture, and kill them booth." He says evilly.
Sky dropped the gun in shock at what her father was doing.
"Why?" She whispered." Why after everything he's done to us.!"
"He has your mother!" He defends him self.
"Oh yeah hide behind mom. Well let me be the fist to say that mom is..." She was cut off.
"Skyler!!" A feminine voice called from the end of the hall.
Sky started to tear up." Mm... Mom." She says. Savage is in shook. As she walks over to Sky giving her a hug. Savage pulls out two guns and points them at Sky and her mom.
"What is the meaning of this?!" He says.
"Um I'm here to give my daughter a gift." She says giving Sky a gift. "And who is this young man?" She asked looking at me. She puts her hand on my shoulder then the bleeding stopped. I turn to see a patch there that was from one of Arsenals foam arrows. Wait a minute... Arsenal!!!! I look over to Sky opening the suit case her mom handed to her. In it were our uniforms. "Now I have to ask. Do you want to die slowly?" She says. Then she started to morf and her voice got deeper." Or should I kill you quickly." She says fully transformed into Roy. Roy sucker punches Savage in the face and I grab Sky and run out into the hall.
"Go suit up. I'll go back and help Roy." I say grabbing my helmet and other gun from the case. I give her a quick kiss then run off to help Roy. As I run in Roy is thrown into me and we fall to the ground. He has taken a beating but not out of the fight yet. Savage runs towards us and I open fire on him. He dodges all the bullets then knees me in the face, picks me up, the slams me into a wall. He beats on me for a bit then I catch a punch and start beating on him. It's like that dream I had once. When I'm beating on Savage over and over. Then rage takes over as I remember why I'm doing this. Not just to fight but to hurt him the way he hurt Sky. I will break every bone in his body. When I am done I'm covered in blood.
"Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. You foolish boy. You could be a fine Crow. So much rage you have. All for nothing." He says through his bloody mouth.
Wait what's a Crow?
Just then these creatures came crashing through the windows and throw me across the room!

One of them grabbed Savage and flew off and the other started clobbering me! Then it breathed fire all over the house! I was so distracted by the fire that I didn't see the giant piece of would that fell on top off me

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One of them grabbed Savage and flew off and the other started clobbering me! Then it breathed fire all over the house! I was so distracted by the fire that I didn't see the giant piece of would that fell on top off me. Knocking me out with the fire spreading all around me.

Hi everyone it's batsbabygirl and I really need your help now more then ever! There is a DC WattyAwards that I plan to enter so I need your help to get more viewers. Share this in what ever way you can please!!!! And if you can't then just make like 20 different accounts and vote on this chapter or any previous chapters. Also you have my permission to recommend this story to DC WattyAwards.

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