Secret side to sweet Sky

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I heard crashes come from downstairs. It didn't take long for me to geared up but someone locked me in!" Hey! Hey is anyone out there. Roy?! Ja..." Not Jason." Jake?! Nancy?! Dad?!?!" I called out. I kept banging on the door and that didn't do anything because these are heavy doors! I looked around the room and found a window. I estimate a 50 foot drop. So I decided to parkour my way down. It can't be that hard I see Jay and Roy do it all the time.
I am half way down when I look up to the moon and see that it's a blood moon tonight. I can't seem to look away from it. Then I start seeing red. This feeling... Like somethings been sleeping.... And... And now it's ...awake.
I felt myself let go of the wall and fall. But I didn't feel the ground.

Jason's POV
Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh... What happened." Jay? Jay get up this place is burning!" I hear a voice call. I try to get up but I am being held down by something. I turn my head to see a wooden pillar on me.
"Eerr... I'm stuck!" I call out to him. Roy comes over and tries to lift the pillar but fails. The fire spreads and it's getting hard to breath in here. Suddenly the pillar is lifted off my back. I get up and me and Roy run out before our only way out is blocked by more fire. "* heavy breathing* Th... Thanks." I pant.
"It ....wasn't... me." He says also out of breath.
If he didn't do it then who did?
That's when a figure appeared from out of the shadows. We tense up. It emerges from the shadows to reveal Spoiler.
"Wha... What took you so long?" Roy asks still catching his breath. She only looked at us. There was an uneasy silence between us. Then those things!... Those... What were they called again?
"Crows!" Sky called out and she pushed me and Roy to the ground.
As the Crows came around for another hit, Spoiler grabbed one by the wings and pulled him down.
The crow got to his feet and started to swing his mace at her. She dodged and blocked the swings until she grabbed it and pulled it away from him. Then she whacked him in the head with it and he fell to the ground. She climbed on top of him then started to bash his head in. Blood splattered everywhere! When she was done she stood up and faced me.
This was not the Sky I left just two hours ago. This was not my Sky! Her eyes bloodshot, her mouth dripping with blood, her costume covered in it! Sky wouldn't hurt a fly, ok she would hurt a thug, but not like this not to near death or well... Death!" Wayne..." She muttered before the other Crow came and knocked her out!
"Spoiler!!" I screamed running towards them but the Crow picked her up and flew off before I could reach them.
"No !" I yelled.
"Ok What the hey just happened?!" Roy yelled.
I looked at the sky and pondered on what just happened." I don't know Roy, I don't know." I say as I started walking back to the Mansion.

There where Fire Fighters and Police there putting out the fire.So this place is toast not that bad. Stuff was still salvageable. I work my way to Sky's old Room. I grab some scrap books and things that she would want saved. On her desk I see a ruby necklace. This is something Sky never took off before so why now? I put it into my pocket and walk right into Stone.
Rage takes over and I shove him into the wall.
"Alright Stone what's the game here." I growl. Stone is nervous as it is, now he is afraid, as he should be." What the hey is a Crow?!" I shout.

"It... It's none of your concern Jake." He stutters.
"I'm not Jake!" I yell pulling off my hood." I'm Jason."
Stone is both confused and scared." But... But how? You... You are supposed to be dead." He stutters again.
"Yeah well if you don't start talking your going to be 6ft under soon. Now what's a Crow?" I demanded.
"Fine! A Crow is a genetically altered human that can match the strengths of Hawkman and Hawkgirl but without there weaknesses. They where supposed to think and act like them. Unfortunately the experiment did not go as planed and now the subjects have no heart or mined. What ever they are told to do they it without question." Well that was easy he spilled everything just like that.

"What about Sky. Was she one of your subjects to?" I growled. If he did I swear I'll gut him right here.

"No of course not! Wait why do you ask?" He questioned." Where is she?" He saw the necklace in my pocket." Oh no... Is that hers?" I nod my head yes." No! No! No! No!" He yells.

"Why does this matter?" I ask.

Classified conversation

I left Stone there only for him to follow me. Me, Roy and Stone all went to find Sky.
I called a friend and she came faster then I was expecting.
"Alright let's get to work."

"Thanks for coming Barbs

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"Thanks for coming Barbs." I say giving her a hug.
"Are you kidding! Jason Todd's sweetheart goes missing. I'm not missing out on that! Oh and Grayson's coming..."she teased.
"Oh great." I say not amused. "Can you track her down?" I ask changing the subject.
"Of course she can!" A voice calls from the other side of the room.
"Dick! Ok how the hey do you all travel so fast?!" Roy yells.
"It's a Batfamily thing. We all come to help family." Grayson tells him.

"Found her!" Barbra yells. Not taking her eyes off the computer.

"Really where?!" I say running over.
"She's at .......Wayne Enterprise." Barbra states. And just like that I hop on my motorcycle and ride to Wayne Enterprise.
"For once could you say lets go or something!" Roy calls to me as he and the others get into Stones limo. As I ride to Wayne Enterprise I only hope that HE isn't there. I don't have time for a family reunion right now.

"Whaaaat!!! Really batsbabygirl you have to stop stopping at good parts!!!" Is what you all just said.

Ok so let's see what's unanswered here shall we.

Unanswered things in spoilers return:
1) what did stone tell Jay about Sky
2) why did she take the necklace off
3) what do the Hawks have to do with all of this

And I think that's it. If you liked this chapter or any other chapters  then vote on them, if you want to stay updated on this story add it to one of your reading lists. And if you want to support me in the DC WattyAwards then please share with your friends to get me more viewers.

🎉🎉You've all done a great job at getting me 268 viewers!!!🎉🎉🎉 lets see if we can get over 300!!!! Thank you😉

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