First day on tour

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I woke up the next morning for vocal exercises and other warm-ups that rock stars do. Later on I checked on the guys to see that they were still sleeping. OK I get that they fight crime and all at night but honestly they were with me all day yesterday, how could they possibly sleep in!! Whatever I decided to make them breakfast. Me and the Redhood got off to a rocky start but I think I can fix that. So I went to the kitchen to see what we have, bread, eggs, sausage, syrup and other things. I decided to make my mother's homemade breakfast recipe. I grabbed the eggs and bread. I put the eggs on the pan and let them cook so I could make sunny side up eggs. And started to sing alittle while I waited.
"Your baby blues, so full of wonder. Your curly cues, you're contagious smile." I finished the eggs and put them on the bread then kept on singing.
Jason's POV
I woke up fully rested no little girl dream so I guess thats a good sign. Anyway I was about to walk into the kitchen when I heard someone singing. I hid behind the door frame to not disturb the person. The voice was soooo beautiful!" Clouds will rage on, Storms will race in, but you will be safe in my arms... in my arms." She continued. God I swear I'm fan- boying right now!
Skyler's POV
"Story books, full of fairytales of kings and queens and the bluest skies. My heart is torn just in knowing you'll someday see the truth from lies." I stopped not being able to finish the song and I let a single tear fall from my eyes as I remember my mom singing that song to me. That's when I heard slow clapping come from behind me. I quickly spun around in shock to see the Redhood smiling at me. " I'm sorry I didn't know I had an audience. Oh my gosh did I wake you!" I screamed. He shook his head no and I relaxed." I made you breakfast." I said and he raised an eyebrow when he saw cut up eggs and bread with the yolk spreading over everything." It tastes better than it looks." I said defending the food. He took a bite but didn't show any expression if he like it or not.

Jason's POV
OH MY GOD!!!! I LOVE THIS STUFF!!! I'm fighting so hard to keep a straight face with this girl. I'm staring straight at her chewing this stuff and I want to roll my head back and moan so loud. This girl can fight, sing and now cook it's getting harder to hold a grudge against her. You know what I can't take it anymore, "MMMMMMmmmmmmmm!!!" I moaned out and she let out a burst of laughter. I just smiled and stuffed my face with more. I wish I could thank her but I still can't speak. She took our plates as I went to the bathroom to clean up. Alittle while later I see her with a first aid kit standing in the doorway. She held out a small container and told me to rub it on my neck. Seeing that I can strangle myself and I can't reach some spots on my neck I motioned for her to come do it for me. She walked in and I sat on the counter. She opened the container and I through my head back so she could work. She rubbed the smooth and cold stuff on my neck making sure to get every inch of my neck." So when are you going to take that mask off?" She said breaking the silence and catching me way off guard. I lowered my head and looked at her.
" wh...what?" I managed to say. WAIT!! This stuff works! She simply laughed and walked out of the bathroom.

Skyler's POV
I had to get him to talk so I could be sure the stuff was working. That was just the only question I could think of at the time. I'm glad he liked the food and later on Arsenal liked them to screaming at me to make more in fact. We arrived in Metropolis for the first stop of the tour. The show went of without a hitch and afterwords we had a party to celebrate. In the fun of the party I found the Redhood in a corner of the bus. "How are you feeling?" I asked walking over to him.

"Good." He replied, his voice is still a little raspy but it sounds better." That song you sang this morning, were did you learn that." He asked. I could have lied but for some reason I could.

"My mother." I said remembering her. He stayed quiet for a while but soon a slow dance came on.
" Would you like to dance?" He asked holding out a hand.
"I'd love to." I replied and as the music started we moved in sink with the beat. " Wow you really know how to dance don't you." I said smiling as he dipped me. He smiled back and we kept dancing until we couldn't walk any more then we went into our rooms on the bus and fell asleep.

Hi people who read this story. I know this one is pretty shot but I'll work on it . This is batsbabygirl byyyyyeeeee.

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