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Dear diary,
Well last week was crazy. I became a superhero, lost my mom, aaaaaaaannnnnnddddddd the guy I've been in love with since like forever is now dating me! Yes it is Jason Todd.
Ever since I he died I felt apart of me had died. Now I am whole because God has given me a second chance. I don't intend to lose him again.

A smile appears on my face as I read Skys latest diary entry. I look around the room to see if she was there and she wasn't. Ok so today, after three days of arguing about it, we are going to see her dad and tell him the good news, we are dating, and the bad news, his wife is dead. So he doesn't know we are coming, she wanted it to be a surprise.
"Thanks Rich for everything." Sky said hugging Dick.
"Rich?" He questioned.
"I refuse to call you Dick anymore it's just to wrong for me to handle anymore." She confessed.

"Alright songbird we better get going." I tell her as I throw the diary back in the bag. As she said her final goodbyes Stephanie pulled me to the side.
"I know about you two. And I hope it works out." She whispered. Wait what now?" Look Jay you've been through a lot I think it's time you found some happiness." She looked over to Sky." She's special Jason. That means she's a keeper, don't lose her without a fight." With that she walked away. Um ok...
Me, Sky and Roy all got into the car and drove to Gotham City. Sky had rock music blasting with Roy hitting everything in the back seat her singing along and me head banging the whole way there. Now it wasn't metal music like KISS or something, more like pop rock like Linkin Park and Skillet. Eventually we reached the Stone estate. It's no Wayne Manor but it was pretty big.
A woman greeted us at the front." God have mercy on my soul. Skyler Stone has returned home!" She exclaimed. Sky laughed and gave the woman a hug.
"I missed you to Nancy." She said pulling out of the hug." Is dad home?"
"No sorry dear. Your father is at work." The woman replied. She looked over to me and Roy." And who are these two gentlemen?" She asked. Sky turned to face us.
"These two are Roy Harper and..." She stopped when she looked at me and gave me a smile." And this is my boyfriend Ja..." I cut her off.
"Jake ma'am. I'm Jake Trevers." I told her shaking her hand.
Sky gave me a confused look." Boyfriend you say." The woman said staring me down. I've died before and this lady almost makes me want to die again.... Almost." Well you always did like the bad ones didn't you Skyler." She finally said.
"Bad ones?" I questioned.
"Oh yeah. Before you she couldn't stop thinking about this one fella... What was his name again..... Um ... J... Jay... Jacob, no. Justin, no. Oh! Jason that was it!" I looked over to Sky as the woman spoke. She offered to take are bags but I said we could handle it.
"Nancy are the old photos of me and Jay still in my room?" Sky asked.
"Well they should be nothing's changed since you left other then me making your filthy bed." The woman joked.

I grabbed the brief case with my suit in it then Sky pulled me into the house. We go up a flight of stairs then we come to a big doorway." This used to be my room." She told me then opened the door. The room looked like it came strait out of the story Beauty and the Beast.

She put her bag on the bed then started to search her desk for what I assume was the photo album of us as kids

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She put her bag on the bed then started to search her desk for what I assume was the photo album of us as kids. She sat on the bed then motioned for me to sit next to her." This is my prof that we did know each other back then. Maybe it will jog your memory a bit." She said opening the book. "This was when I first moved next door to you." She said as I looked at the first picture. It was her me and... And my mom." Oh and this was when we built our tree house. There was a tree that was in both our yards so my dad made us a tree house to keep us out of trouble." I looked at the picture she was pointing at. It's us climbing to the tree house on both sides of the tree. I look almost happy. She turned to the next page and the picture had a happy birthday banner in the back and I was blowing out some candles. The next one I have cake on my face and Skys in the background sucking her fingers that are covered in cake. Why can't I remember this. We look through the album for another two or three hours when we hear a car pull up. Sky goes to the window." It's my dad." She says half annoyed and half scared. I put the album down and walk up to her.
"Hey songbird its going to be fine. I'm going to be there with you. And if he so much as blinks in a way I think is going to hurt you I'll put a couple of rounds in him. " I tell her.
She looks at me." Why did you say your name was Jake?" She asked.
"Think about it these people supposedly have known me for a long time so they know that Jason Todd is dead. How do you think they'll act if they knew I came back to life." I tell her. She thinks about it then agrees I made the right call. We went down stairs to greet her dad but when we got down there we were also greeted by...... Vandall Savage!!!

Hi everyone, I am so sorry it's been like forever😩 since my last update. So here's a challenge for you. If you vote on this story I'll make a second part! I only need one vote to motivate me to write a sequel.

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