I love you like a love song

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Please do not play song
We were flying to Gotham city. The Batman needed help.
I'm all for helping but it's not like him to ask for it.
I look to my partner who is also pondering this and I give her a competitive smile.
She gives me one as well.
"Last one to Gotham cleans the laundry on Saturday." She states.
"Deal." I zoom past her at top speed all the way to Gotham.
Once there I found my partner there before me.
"Don't forget my clothes must be air dried." She said walking away from me.
I soon followed her.
After a while we found ourselves in an ally.
"Thank you for coming." We hear a voice say crime the shadows. We do not tense or raise are weapons.
We know this voice and have nothing to fear from it.
Batman steps out of the shadows and we turn to him.
"Tell me about Vandal Savage." He demands.

With Sky
I was on a rooftop a few buildings away from Falcones place. Jason just pulled up in his motorcycle. I look through some binoculars not paying any attention to him.
He walks up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and dug his face into my neck.
I put the binoculars down and roll my eyes.
"Jason come on." I say attempting to squirm out of him.
"I'm not moving until you give me what I want." He muffles through my neck.
"Jay please get off." I wine.
"Jason you are such a child." I say amused.
He finally lifted his head from my neck." And you love me like that." He says kissing my cheek.
"So what are we doing?" He asked taking my binoculars and looking at Falcones building.
"IIIIIIIIIIII..... Have to see what Falcone is working on with Savage." I say taking the binoculars back.
I look through them and Jason steps in my view!
"As good as they look Jason this is no time to look at your abs." I say with a smile.
"There it isssss. There's that smile I love to see!" He picks me up and spins me around.
"Jason!!!! What's gotten into you?!?!" I yell.
"I don't know!! What's not gotten into me!!" He replies. "I'm 20 now!!! I have the most amazing girl ever that I love so much!!! What's not to be happy about!!!" I shift my weight and make us fall.
We land in a + shape with me on top of him.
"Falling for me are you. I kinda already knew that." He joked.
I sit up with both arms on either side of him.
"Your impossible Todd. You know that right?" I say annoyed.
"I'll stop messing with you when you give me what I want Songbird." He gives me his signature smirk.
"And what could I possibly have that you want?" I ask him.
"Hmmmmmm.... How about..... Your first kiss." He says in a romantic tone.
I get off him completely and he sits up.

"Fine.... But you need to make it worth my while. If you want to steal my first kiss then you need to tell me just how much you want it." I say giving him a smirk of my own.
He is quite for a moment then looks at me." I was hoping you'd say that." Then he jumps off the side of the building.
He comes back with the guitar I got him for his B-day and his helmet on.
He takes out his phone and music starts to play along with it.

Ok now play the song
"It's been said and done....every beautiful thought's been already sung."Jay strums to the music and sings the lyrics. "And I guess right now here's another one. So your melody will play on and on, with the best of em'.
You are beautiful like a dream come alive, so incredible. A centerfold, miracle, lyrical.
You save my life again.
And I want you to know baby!" He walks towards me in a romantic way.
"Jason stop they'll hear you." I warn putting my hands on his broad chest.
He didn't listen and kept singing. "I.. I love you like a love song baby! I... I love you like a love song baby! I... I love you like a love song baby, and I keep hittin' re- peat- peat- peat- peat- peat!"(x2)
Jay gives me a rose that he pulled out of I don't know where!" Constantly, girl you play through my mind like a symphony.
There's no way to describe what you do to me.You just do to me, what you do.
And it feels like I've been RESCUED!!! I've been set free.
I am hypnotized, by your destiny.
You are magical, lyrical, beautiful. You are .... And I want you to know baaaaaaaaaaaay!"He flips his guitar to his back and wraps his arm around me. I hear back up singers sing the chorus on his phone as he sings different lyrics.
"I want you to knooooooooooow."He sways from side to side with me.
"Jay come on." I wine. He responds with putting his head on mine.
"I love you like a love song." He takes my hand and holds it out with his. He lets the song play out on his phone as he dances with me.
"No one compares you stand alone.
To every record I own.
Music to my heart that's what you are...
A song that goes on and on."
I follow his lead. Are feet moving in sync. We didn't go fast, we didn't go slow. Now without his guitar I heard only a piano.
He spins me around. Until my eyes meet his again. Then he removes his hand from my waist. He wipes me out to arms length and then spins me back in.
My arms are crossed in front of me.
I look up at him and he gives me a smile before spinning me out of his little not. Then pulls me in to a hug. I rested my head on his chest and he rested his chin on my head.
The song ends.
"I love you Skyler Stone. I love you like a love song. I want to treat you right. And I want to have your first kiss." He says sweetly.
I am silent. What do I say to him. He definitely deserves it!
But am I ready?
Uhhhh I don't know!!!
"I'm waiting." He says sweetly.
"I can't kiss you if you have a helmet on!" I tell him.
"Kiss the helmet."
"I mean it!" I yell.
"Ok fine." He wines.
He presses a button on his helmet and it loosens from his face.
I slowly take it off his head.
I watched as his hair fell infront of his perfect green eyes. 
I play with his white streak with my finger.
He starts to remove my mask up and off my face.
I stop him when my mask reached my nose.
"We're still in costume." I tell him.
He let go of my mask and placed his hand on my cheek.
I wrap my arms around his neck.
We both leaned in slowly. Then when our lips are only an inch apart.....

"Are we interrupting something?" A familiar voice said.

Jason and I both jumped away from each other!
I pulled my mask down and Jason grabbed his helmet and shoved his head back in it.
"TIM!!!! Why the hey would you ruin such a romantic moment!!!!" Another voice yelled.
I finally get the courage to look in the direction of the voices and I see Batgirl and Red Robin...
Jason also looked up.
"You two are supposed to be getting Intel for bats and what do you do?!?!?!?" Tim scolded us.
"They announced there undying love for each other!" Stephanie squealed.
We all looked at her oddly.

"Hey Batgirl. You want to go round up some thugs?" I ask
"Yeah!!! It'll be like a girls knight!!!" She agreed.
We left the boys alone on the rooftop.

Jays POV
They left... She left....
I mentally slapped myself.
The roof was quite. It was me and.... HIM!!!!!
I looked over at my replacement.
"Did you know Spoiler never kissed anyone?" I asked him.
"Really... I... I didn't know that." He said nervously.
"I was an inch away from kissing her." I said calmly.
"Oh" he realized what he did.
I waited a moment. Then looked at my phone.
"You have 5 seconds." I said plainly.
With that he ran faster then the flash off of that roof.

Hi everyone!!!
So after talking to some of you guys I've decided to extend this story cause I love it to much to end it😍.
Um...... Right now I just want to get past 500... Please that would really help.
And if you like this chapter or any other chapter then vote on it!!!
You know what you like then vote on it, share it do what you can plz!!!
And for my final thing that I would like you to leave your answer in the comments is......
What do you think of Jason being a father😊.

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