First mission

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Punch, punch, block, kick, flip." Shoot!" Skyler mumbles as she is pined to the mat. She flips her opponent over her then starts punching. He protects himself from her strong blows then wraps his legs around her neck, bringing her down. He gets on top of her holding her in place.
"Try getting out of this one." He smirks at her as she struggles to get free. Seeing no way out she stops." Tap out sweetheart." He whispers. She gets one hand out and uppercuts him in the jaw. He falls off and she gets up. Skyler then body slams him making him unable to breath. She then puts him in a headlock and holds it.
"Try getting out of this one." She mocked. His face gets red." Tap out sweetheart." She continued. Giving up he tapped the mat an she let go. "Good match Roy." She said helping him up.

"Nahhhh. I was gong easy on you." He saying rubbing her head messing up her hair. She laughed as she pulled away then threw him a water bottle. Jason and Dick walk in, Jason slowly clapping at the display of Skylers skill. She had been with them for over 6 months. She learned hand to hand combat, self defense, all pressure points in a human body. She was also trained in many weapons, sniper rifles, Ak-47, handguns, batons, bow staff, bow and arrow you name it and she knew it. She had her own built in lie detector to. Her senses were enhanced to pick up lies and other things.
"Well Sky it was nice having you hear. I have a friend in Gotham that can help with your future hero costume. The question is did you think of a name?" Dick told her. She thought for a moment. Then realized she had no name." Don't worry it'll come to you at the right time." He assured her.
"Your still alittle slow." This was Jason." You attack first don't let your opponent get the heads up on you."
"Understood." Sky replied." Practice makes perfect right." He looked at her.

"So you ready to go on your first mission?" Jason smiled at her.

"Wait are you serious?!!" She screamed. He nodded his head. Her face then lit up as she came over and hugged him." Wait I don't have a suit." She said.
"Don't need one. There's going to be a charity event tonight hosted by the Falcone family. I know that Falcone isn't the giving type so he wants the money for something. He won't let two street kids like me and Roy in but he might let in a certain rich and famous pop star in." Jason explained looking at Skyler.
"We'll get me a ball gown boys I need to go in style!" She laughed and they went out and bought her a dress for the party.

That night at the party
"Skyler Stone it is a pleasure to have you hear." Falcone announced.
"Why Mr. Falcone the pleasure is all mine." She replied with an innocent smile. They shake hands." If you don't mind me asking what is this charity for?" She asked. He almost choked on his drink as he told her it was for a local church. Sky felt a buzz in her ear. She went to the lady's room to answer it.
"So how it going so far?" A voice asked her.
"Pretty good I haven't found any data yet but I think I know how to get it." She said." Just give me 10 minutes before you come guns blazing."
She left the bathroom and found Falcone again." Mr. Falcone, it just occurred to me that if I put on a little show you might get more money for the charity." She said excited. He thought for a moment.
"That's a great idea! Go into the Dj's booth and tell him the song you'll sing." He instructed her.
She smiled then left to the booth. The booth was upstairs and a one way mirror window so it was a good spot to hack the system. She closed the door behind her and slowly crept up behind the Dj, put him in a chokehold and knocking him out. She takes out a USB drive in her purse then starts downloading the information on the whole party including what it was for. As she waited for the download a figure entered the booth without her knowing. It put a hand over her mouth and held her arm behind her then whispered in her ear." You know songbird you should check your surroundings better." He smirks when she stops struggling and let's her go.

"Really Jason, I said 10 minutes." She scolded him.
"It's been 8 I just want to make sure your out before we come in guns blazing." He mocked. The drive was done downloading the information and Sky put it back in her purse. The she turned around to see Jason in the Dj's clothes." What? Someone's got to look after you." He defended himself. She told him the song then walked out leaving Jason alone." Ok so Which one of you plays the songs?" He says to the controls.
With Skyler
She was now backstage getting ready for the performance when Falcone walked up to her." I just wanted to thank you for this." He told her.
"Anything for charity but I didn't know you were religious." She replied.
"I'm not." He got serious and leaned closer to her." But Vandal Savage is." Her eyes widened at the name and she backed away from Falcone." I heard that you and him have a history." He got closer." He's looking for you sweetie." He cornered her. Then Skyler heard Roy in her headset.
"Get down!" He yelled and she did as her was told. Then Jason came in guns blazing dropping all the security and getting in between Falcone and Sky.

"Sorry Falcone but parties over." He said. Then the roof exploded! When the smoke cleared Roy was waving at Falcone with Dick there as well( as Nightwing and Arsenal). Jason then hooks Skyler to his grapple gun and shoots towards the hole. He grabs the cord and they are lifted out of the building. They run into an alleyway were three motorcycles are parked Roy and Dick hoped on there bikes and Skyler got behind Jason on his bike. As they drove Falcone and his men followed them and they were armed. They fired at the three motorcycles and whatever the Outlaws did they couldn't shake them.
"Go left!" Sky screamed over the motor of the bikes." Right! Go right! Speed up there gaining on us!" Eventually Jason was sick of her yelling in his ear.
"Do you what to drive know it all!" He shouted.
"Actually yeah then you shoot them!" She answered.
"Do you know how to drive this thing?" He asked and she nodded." Ok climb over me!" She did as she was told and he kept the bike steady. Once she was on his lap and her hands were on the handles Jason pulled out his twin pistols and started firing at the car tires. BANG! BANG! The car skids and crashes. Then Roy took out his bow and shoot some explosive arrows on the next car. Finally Dick took out an EMP taking out the last car. Jason put his guns away and put his hands back on the handle of the bike but totally forgot Sky's hands were already there.
"Don't even think about it." She told him." I'm driving this baby all the way home." She smiled at his confused face the sped up going faster then Roy and Dick. Jason held on to Sky's waist and she laughed. After awhile they stopped at the house and Sky got off the bike. Before she left Jason grabbed her wrist and she turned around.
"You... You did good today." He said not looking at her.
"No problem." She took out the drive." And it about to get better." He looked up and a smile came across his face as he took the drive.
"Mission accomplished!" He said jumping off the bike and they both went into the house.

HI everyone! I'm trying to get over 100 views so please share this with friends. Like, comment and other things. Bye guys!

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