Where mom is

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In Gotham with Mr. Stone
I sat at my desk staring at a picture of Skyler and her mother. Skyler was 5 hear and was missing her two front teeth but that didn't stop her from having a big smile. She was so innocent and loving unlike now. Three weeks ago she didn't even want to look at me. All I was trying to do was keep her safe and she told me to leave. I turned away wondering if she will ever forgive me for what happened that day.

Two years earlier

15 year old Skyler is taking a selfie with her mother (Linda Stone). As they both laugh I rush in grabbing anything that was important and they notice my nervousness." Honey is everything alright?" Linda asked a worriedly. I don't answer her but I pull her to the side telling her quietly so Skyler wouldn't freak out. She ran to Skyler telling her we need to go. As we were leaving the house I open the door to find Vandal Savage waiting for me. We all backup into the house as he and his men came in.

" why Mr. Stone you have such a lovely family," he said observing my wife and child," I just came to talk business over dinner." He finished with an evil grin.

"What do you want Savage?" I demanded." I have been doing what you wanted why come to my home to my family, WE HAD A DEAL!!!" Savage just snickers.

"No Stone you broke that deal so you need more persuasion." He smiles then looks at my wife. Savage grabs her arm and pulls her away from Skyler.

" Mom no!" She screams then she attempts to punch Savage but he ketches it and twists her arm." Aaaaahhhhhh that hurts!, stop please!" She cries and I can only watch.

"Next time you attempt to stop me I will remove your head from your body am I understood." He said coldly. She looks up at him then spits in his face. He pushes her to the floor and wipes his face." You are a little spitfire aren't you?!" He said," I'll have to teach you a lesson." He smiled evilly then started beating her brutality. I only watched as the blood splashed and stained the carpet. After an hour of horror, my wife screaming, my body not moving. He stopped to look at his horrific work, she moaned in pain." Now I assume you have learned your lesson."

She turned to face him in her puddle of blood and smiled as she barely said," Not yet.......old man." He was furious and turned to me.
" you truly have a special child Stone. It be a shame if she didn't have a mother!" He warned.
He pointed a gun to my wife and was about to pull the trigger
when," Hey!!" We all turned to see Skyler standing up supporting herself against the wall." I thought you were still teaching me a lesson!" She teased.
Savage grabbed my wife and pulled her out of the house.
I was to afraid to stop him but Sky in her weak state tried to but once she left the wall she fell in pain. We watched as he took Linda and we heard her cry no to Savage and I heard Skyler begging to take her instead. " Get me what I want and you wife lives... barely." He called back.

I will never forgive myself for what happened to Linda that day but I will get her back. As I looked out the window I hear an all to familiar voice say," How is the little spitfire huh Stone." I turn to see my wife's captor Vandal Savage. "I assume you have what I want?" He continued. I gave him a folder with all the information on the famous Hawkman and Hawkgirl. "Ah you have done well I will allow you two minutes. Then two men came in dragging a woman, Linda. They untie her and let me speak to her.

She looks up at me," Mike, Mike were is Skyler, where is she Mike!" She screamed.

"She's fine Linda, she's fine! Why does that matter?" I asked.

"Because...."she started.

"Times up Stone." Savage informed as his men grabbed Linda.

" No NO, Mike you have to protect Skyler! Someone is going to kill her! Mike, Mike please she's in danger. MIKE!!!" That was the last thing she said after they left I couldn't hear her.

" I'm sorry Linda I'm so so sorry." I cried. If someone was after Skyler I only hope that Redhood and Arsenal can save her.

Hi every one batsbabygirl here and I just did this so you know why Skyler doesn't like her dad and also I needed a villain 😈 I'm so evil. So next chapter RH and A are going to get some action. Yeah!!! Ok show this story to your friends or any other of my story's. Like and follow Pleaseeeeeeee!!😩😖😭

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