The Old and the New

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"Stephanie!!! What are you doing here?!" I yelled.
"Hey Tim long time to see. How you been? Oh I'm great Jason how about you?" My replacement said sarcastically. I was ready to slit his throat right there, but then I remembered Sky. I didn't want her to see me like that. Not now at least. I let it slide and he examined my team. As always he scolded Roy and me then he got to Sky.

Tim's POV
I don't like Jason and he doesn't like me his team makes me not like him even more. Starfire had the right idea to leave. Now it's the drug addict, Roy, the blood thirsty zombie, Jason and now there's her. A wildcard. I dislike wildcards and Bats can't stand them. I examine her she has a strong structure I can see the muscles and beauty but I haven't seen her fight I'll worry about that later. "So who are you?" She asked me. Of course Jason wouldn't tell her about me.
"I'm Tim, Tim Drake and this is Stephanie Brown." I let Stephanie come closer to the new Outlaw but my eyes never left Jason.

Stephanie's POV
"Hi." I gave her a warm smile something Tim forgot to do." Don't mind him. He's just well he's Tim it's hard to get his trust. Harder to get Batman's trust believe me." I joked. We laughed together I could tell that she wasn't like Jason or Roy she was different." Now I know that it's short notice but we need your help." I was talking to Jason now. We all sat down in the kitchen." Tim and I have been working on a case that needs a... Hard push to get the ball rolling." I started. Jason and Roy knew exactly what I was talking about. We needed them to be bad cop while we play good cop." The suspect the one and only Falcone." At the name I saw the new girl tense Jason and Roy did to but recovered quickly." Something tells me that you are already on his case." We sat quite for awhile. The girl was silently having fear takeover. Jason noticed this to and he put his hand on her shoulder.

"It's ok Sky you don't have to do it. Roy and I can handle it if your not ready." He told her reassuringly. What was this?!?! This is not the same Jason I know! Where's the cursing, the beer, the smoking, the anger, the damage of so many years of being hurt. This Jason was so much different.
"No it's ok Jay I think it's time I spoil Falcones plans then it's Savage." The last part came out with an evil edge but I shrugged it off.
"Good then suit up." Tim told everyone." We leave in an hour." We all suited up before everyone I was done first. I saw that Sky was still in the same spot not in uniform.
"Hey why aren't you ready?" I asked.
"Oh well I don't have a suit yet. Or a name.
I thought for a moment. Then it hit me." Well if you don't know a calling card you can always barrow one." I said. That drew her attention.
"I'm not being a Robin. Or a Batgirl!" She warned.
"No no not them. Use a retired title. All you need is a retired hero then ask for the blessings to carry on that mantle." I was getting some were with this.
"But I don't know ANY heroes let alone a retired one." She argued.
"Well you know me. Before I was Batgirl and before I was Robin. I was a vigilante called The spoiler." I told her." Lately villains have been surprising heroes. They need to be stopped. Someone needs to SPOIL there fun." A devilish grin appeared on both are faces. I had Dick keep the suit and she was about my size I offered it to her then she made some adjustments with my help. 20 minutes later the boys were all downstairs waiting for us when I walked out I gave the introduction." Boys this family has had a lot of had me downs with the super hero identities. Some heroes disappeared in time. Some waited for the right moment to return." The door opens and Sky walks out." Gentlemen the moment has come for the SPOILERS RETURN.

😁😁😁Eeeeeeeeeeee😆😆😆. I did it. I did it! I did it! The spoiler has officially returned!! Now we can have some fun with her!!! Thanks for the 130+ views let's try  to get over 150. Thanks!! I know it's short but I thought short and sweet was the best way to go.

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