My big brother

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So I'm in Blood Haven with Roy and are new partner,(in training), Skyler Stone. I know someone here, he annoys me like hey but he is the best to start her training. We get to his house and he's not home, it's late so I assume he's out on patrol." Roy you stay here with Sky and I'll go find him." Roy did as I said and they stayed put.

I jump from rooftop to rooftop trying to find someone else doing the same. Just then that all to annoying voice came from behind me." OMG Jaybird I totally forgot you were coming!!" Why does everyone call me Jaybird!"Uh the place is a mess and I didn't cook!" He whined. I turned around to see the man I could never be. The first Robin. The person everyone loved. I also saw my big brother.
"Dick it's fine we only came to train." I took my helmet off and he had a girly grin across his face.
"Ooooooohhhhhhhhh. Look at your hair!" He squealed." You look so cute with that half shaved head!"
"What! No I don't! It's cool not cute!" I screamed.
"Alright. So who's the lucky person who gets to be the next out law?" He asked.
"Skyler Stone." I answered. That girly smile came across his face again.
"AaAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I love her music and her." He was fan-girling, I mean fan-boying." Well what are you waiting for Jason let's go." With that we went back to his house.
We reached the house and the door was forced open. We take out are weapons and walk in. It's dark and we hear something in the kitchen. We enter in silence then Dick hits the figure down to the ground with one of his batons."Awwwww! Geez Grason, you made me drop my sandwich!" That was Roy's voice. I turn the lights onto confirm what I heard.
"Dang it Roy! I was about to kill you!" I shouted." Why are you even inside?!"

"Sky had to use the bathroom!" He defended himself.
"So you broke the door down!" I snapped.
"No! She did." He said. Me and Dick looked at each other. She kicked his door down, she has experience I'll give her that.
"Wait a minute. Does that mean Skyler Stone is using my bathroom!" A large smile came across dicks face again. I face palmed myself. We heard someone upstairs.
"Before you go beating other people in your house Grayson. Know that that's a lady upstairs." Roy said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.
"So when you two showed her your identities she was cool or totally freaked out?" Dick asked.
"She was cool. At least for me." Roy stated. I didn't tell him about my past with her. To be honest I don't even know my past with her." Hey Skyler come down there someone we want you to meet." Roy called up the stairs. We hear some footsteps then a large thud and Skyler was downstairs with us. She looked at Grayson in amazement.
"Oh my god. I busted Nightwing's door! Oops." Was the first thing that came out of her mouth." So how do you guys know each other?" She asked.
Dick takes off his mask and tells her" I'm Jason's big brother."

Hi people! Sorry I haven't updated and this I short. I had a lot of homework lately but its something. Like, share, comment bye.

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