Bad dream

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Jason's dream
I'm walking down the street wearing a black hoodie, ripped jeans and some black converse. I look in the window of a store and I see a younger me. Wait what?! He whore ripped jeans a dirty white shirt and he.. He's smiling at me. As my lips curl up a figure comes from behind him. It's the girl! Well Sky. He turns and smiles at her and she does the same. They turn back to me and fear takes over them. They're not scared of me, they're scared of what's behind me! I turn around quickly to see Vandal Savage and.... No not him. That haunting smile. Joker! I get ready to defend the kids but when I turn around they are gone. My attention is drawn back to the two ten story's tall villains by the Jokers insane laugh and Savages evil cackling. To my dismay I see them strangling two body's, Sky and me. They are older now around 15. I want to save them but my feet are chained to the floor, my arms soon after so many chains holding me down.. I... I can't save them. I watched as Savage leaves with his prize and younger me is left with the Joker. The painful memories are back of that crowbar and his insane laugh. I scream as I feel every blow delt to the boy. Then they disappear. The chains disappear and I fall to my knees traumatized. I get up and see a trail of blood against my better judgement I follow it. The trail leads to Savage with bloody hands I look past him and see the young girl bleeding out on the floor. Rage takes over me as I start to see red. I lash out at Savage. When I pin him down then I start beating him senseless. After a while I am pulled of Savage and thrown far away from him. As I hit the ground I see........ ME! Dressed as the Redhood I pickup the figure I was beating on a moment ago. Don't help him! He just beat up Sky! He turns around to face me and I see the body. I realize it wasn't Savage I was beating on. It was Skyler. No. I didn't do that!,did I? I look away from the mess I made. I look back and she's in my arms! I fall on my knees crying and I keep whispering to her limp body I'm sorry. I keep crying when I feel a hand on my cheek it's warm and comforting. I look at her and she's smiling a bloody smile." Don't cry Jay. It's alright." She looks at me love in her eyes." I forgive you." I hug her tight then she pulls away, serious now." Jason wake up." She says. What?!" Wake up Jason. Wake Up! JASON WAKE UP!!!!!"

Jason wakes up
"AAAAAHHHHH!" I scream. It's dark in the room and I feel my fist hit something. Whatever it was it fell to the floor. I turn on my lamp to find..... Sky!! Holy Snap I just punched Sky in the face! I jump out of bed and Roy ran in bow in hand.
"Dude what happened?!" He said alarmed.
"I hit Sky!" I panicked.
"You what?!" He looked at her in my arms." Why the hey did you hit her?!" He demanded.
"I didn't mean to it was pitch black in the room and I had a nightmare so it was a reflex!" I say picking her up and putting her on my bed." She's out cooled." I informed him.
"Did you kill her?" He asked.
"What, no!" I defend. I fall into a chair near the bed." Why was she even in my room?" I asked him. Roy shrugged his shoulders.
"So what did you dream about?" He asked breaking the moment of silence.
"I don't want to talk about it." I growled. Just as things couldn't get worse Grayson came home from patrol.
He walked into the room found Sky in my bed, Roy with his bow, and me in a chair looking like a hot mess.
"Oh My God did you two kill her?!" He screamed as he checked her for a pulse.

Dicks POV
"What did you two do?!" I demanded.
"Don't blame me I am just as shocked that Jason knocked her out!" Roy defended himself. Jason shoot him a 'thanks for throwing me under the bus', look.
"You knocked her out!!" I scolded him and he sunk back into his chair.
"I didn't mean to alright! She came into my room, it was pitch black and I have reflexes in my sleep!" He screamed.

"What ever, Roy go get a bowl of water and a wet rag please." I tell him and he leaves. It's just me, Jason and an unconscious Skyler." Why was she in your room?" I ask breaking the silence.

"I don't want to talk about it." He says not looking at me.
"Jay you're  sweaty and traumatized. You can't hide it from me. What's wrong?" I say quietly. He doesn't answer. I would have kept pushing but Roy came back in with the stuff and my attention went back to the sleeping princess on the bed.
"I need some air." Jason said grabbing a coat then leaving.
"What did you do?" Roy scolded me.

With Jason

I hit her! I hit Sky! She probably hates me now. I would hate me. I walk down the street and as I see my reflection in a puddle I noticed that I'm wearing a black hoodie😒. Just my luck. I pull it off and throw it in the trash. I keep walking and two kids run by. OMG are you kidding me! Then I see flyers for the circus and there are clowns.😟 And the savage animal man. I hate my life right now. I turn around and head back to Grayson's safe house. When I get there Sky is in her room and I notice a bruise form just above her cheek. Opps. Now I feel bad. Grayson says she'll be fine and up in a couple of hours. I know I'll get her something. I grab another coat, made sure it wasn't black, and went to a gift shop nearby. I know just what to get her.

Hi people's! Thanks so much for the 100+ views I love you guys! Sorry I had writers block lately but never fear I have a plan and a future for this story! 😱Sneak peek😱My next chapter will follow up on Jay and Sky's relationship when they were kids. + we will finally introduced RedRobin and..... Wait for it....... Wait for it......... Wait for it.......... Batgirl! AKA Stephanie Brown the original Spoiler!!! That's all you get.
I realize that in Big brother I spelt Nightwings city wrong. It's spelt Blud Haven sorry about that🤗.

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