Birds Of Prey

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I don't like to leave Jason but if I didn't i would have to go through hell on that roof.
Stephine took me to the old Gotham Clock Tower.
There I found Barbra on her own personal Bat- computer!
She was watching a live feed of the Iceberg lounge.
"Ok birds COM check." She says though her headset.
"Huntress check."
"Dove check."
"Hawk check."
"Lady Blackhawk check."
"Black Canary check."
"Alright birds do not engage hostile until we know who called the meeting." She said." Oracle over and out." She finished.
Barbra took her head set off and looked over at me and Stephine.
"Hello again Spoiler. It's nice to properly meet you." She says giving me a smile.
"Are you kidding it's an honor to meet
You! The original Batgirl!" I yell in excitement.
Barbra chuckles then looks me over.
"Stephine has that suit had any upgrades since you handed it to Sky?" She asks.
"Ummmmmmmm no." Stephine replies.
"Well that explains the old tech then." Barbra smiles at me.
"Sky can you step onto that platform?" I do as she says then I watch as her fingers tap the keys of her computer.
"Take your cape off, spread your feet and hands in a T shape please."

As I stand there and something scans me.
"Ok you can come over now." Stephine calls to me.
I grab my cape then head over to them.
In Barbra's screen I see a 3D image of me.
"This is just to get you into the security system. Now you will be allowed here even when I'm not here." She explains to me." It also gives me a base model for you New suit design." My eyes widen.... I'm getting a new suit!!!!!
Before I can thank her we hear Black Canary on the COM's.
"Oracle, Oracle are you there?!"she seems tense.
"Oracle here. Go ahead Canry." Barbra says putting her headset back on.
"Huntress isn't responding to her COM's!!! I think she went dark." Canary screams.
Barbra looked at the feed again and saw that one screen was black.
"Not again..." She says under her breath." Ok I'm sending Batgirl to be in Huntress' s place." She said.
Stephine then left the tower leaving me with Barbra.
"Spoiler I need you to find Huntress."
I look at her confused.
"I don't think I can do that Barbs. I mean I'm me and she's the Huntress!!!" I yell.
"That's why I'm sending you in with some new upgrades." She smiles at me and I am confused.
Barbra starts taping away on her computer then machines start turning on around the room.
They work in sync with her tapping then they all stop.
A single tube about my size is lit up with a white glow.
Barbra motions for me to go over to the tube and I do.
I press the button and the tube opens.
I look at what's inside then I turn my head and smile at Barbra.
"Suit up cause your going hunting." She tells me and I do.

Gotham city streets

I land on a gargoyle and that's when I find the last location Huntress was seen. "Oracle this is Spoiler. Are you seeing this?" I say through my headset.
"Everything you see I see Spoiler." She tells me.
I watch as two thugs come out of a building across from my position.
"That's the building to need to enter... get the clearance card from those thugs." Oracle says through my head set.
I stand up and let them see me from my position.
"It it's another bat!!" One thug yells as he shines his flash light on me.

"It it's another bat!!" One thug yells as he shines his flash light on me

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