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Two pelts zoomed across the forest in the rain. A scrawny she-cat ran in the rain. Behind a fluffy cream tom. "Hurry!" Lightening and thunder crashed the sky causing the rain to fall harder. The two were running for their lives through hard pouring rain. She was falling behind. "Mist!" The cream colored tom roared over the pour. They ran for their lives and saw a shady area. The gray tabby she-cat blinked. "There!" She yowled and ran into the area.
Suddenly, a black and white tom jumped in front of them. "Why are you here?" He snarled.
"We-we're tired and hungry.." The cream colored tom mewed. The tom looked at the two cats. A voice spoke to him.
This is your chance! You can reform your Clan... And not fail me again! The voice hissed
"Come with me.." He mewed to the two cats. He led them into the shady area hearing paw steps.
"See anything?" A voice asked.
The gray tabby she-cat looked through the bushes slightly hoping to not be noticed.
"Mist.." The cream tom hissed silently padded to stand beside her. They saw a white pelted she-cat, a reddish brown tom, and a mottled black tom
"No, nothing here." Another replied. "Alright come on." The reddish brown tom mewed.
The three ran in the pouring rain.
"Why did you do that?!" The cream tom hissed.
"Shut it Rumer!" Mist snapped.
"Excuse me? You two said you were hungry right?" A kind voice asked.
The two turned to see a fawn pelted she-cat.
"Here," She mewed bringing out a dead mouse.
Rumer bowed down as he got up to sniff the mouse. Fresh it was. He slunk closer, his head so low that his muzzle almost touched the ground. "Oh thank you so much-"
"Yes, yes, you're welcome. We aren't giving blessings," the amber eyed tom mewed. "But you're welcome.."
The fawn pelted rouge looked down at her three sleeping kits and padded up to him. "Gorseclaw..?" She muttered. He turned to her. "Yes Doe?" Gorseclaw asked her.
"Why did you speak to them like that?" She asked.
"Well it's true, plus we barely know them. We don't need to be friendly with these two just yet.." He said. "I have plans for them."
"What do you mean?" She asked her mate.
"You'll see.." The rouge replied. He heard her sigh and looked as she walked back to the dense bush that protected her and his kits from the hard rain.

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