Chapter 6

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The AshClan cats returned to camp. Lion looked at Crimson with an angered glare. "I heard you and some other cats paid the Clans across the lake a little visit.." He sneered.
"Yeah? So what?" The amber eyed tom mewed.
"What happened to sticking with the deal?" Lion asked Crimson in an enraged hiss.
"Deals are meant to be broken.." The russet colored tom replied.
"'Deals are meant to be broken'?" Lion sighed. "Why did you attack!"
"They damaged Skyfoot's loyalty! They should pay!" Crimson yowled.
"With their blood?" Lion hissed. "Don't forget, Skyfoot's kits have kin in that Clan! Would harming them really help?"
"Relax.." Pikefang mrowed. "We only scratched them as a reminder." He mewed proudly, his head high and tail lashing.
"That's my son." Crimson purred giving a compliment.
Lion growled. "Just go check around the camp and take our wounded to Bramble." Under his breath Lion added, "I can't deal with you right now..."
Blaze padded away from Bramble, some webs on the right side of her neck.
Lion spotted Skyfoot watching sadly from her den and padded over.
The kits were napping beside her. She nosed them lovingly, trying her hardest not to wake them.
"Oh. Hello Lion.." She mewed.
"Greetings Skyfoot," he began, flicking his tail. "Did you know about the attack on WolfClan and ViperClan?"
"What...?" She muttered in shock. "There was an attack?"
Lion sighed. "Yes... Your father took a patrol over and attacked them."
"No..." She mewed, thoughts whirling in her head. "Leafpelt.." The pale blue/gray she-cat whimpered.
"My father... He could have killed him!" She spat.
Crimson padded up to her. "Skyfoot... Please understand-"
"No!" She snarled, wrapping her tail around her sleeping kits. A tear fell.
"Stop with the kit like attitude Skyfoot. What is wrong with you?" Crimson meowed.
Thorn was in the back of the den and licked her daughter's tear-streaked cheek fur. "Crimson. Do not be so harsh.." She chided.
Lion gazed at Crimson. "You went and attacked the cats where her kits father live. It's only natural that she would be worried."
"Maybe this is not my Clan! If I have to be surrounded by cats who try to kill, then I am leaving. And I know about Flint, Claw, and Snowy who left," Skyfoot mewed. "Blaze and Sleet at one point told me."
"Skyfoot you can't leave!" Crimson hissed. "This is your home!"
"You hurt the father of my kits." Skyfoot turned away as she barely could even look at her father. Her blue eyes looked to her kits, hopeful if they were still napping. Unfortunately, they were cowering behind a nest.
"Would you stop acting like a kit?" Her brother snapped walking past them. Thorn padded up to him to cuff him on the ear. "Be quiet!"
"Stop it!" A voice growled, then shoved past them only to be Brindle. "You're scaring her kits.." The dappled she-cat licked one of them.
Crimson growled and lashed his tail. "Skyfoot, you get this stupid idea out of your head! Leafpelt tainted you! He made you question your loyalty!" Crimson spat.
"Would you stop trying to smother me! I'm not a kit anymore! I am a mother!" She lowered herself her belly to soothe her three kits. "I am a grown cat father!"
"Well, start acting like it!" Crimson snarled baring his fangs. "That cat betrayed you! He left you to raise his kits alone! And yet you still want to be with him?" he snapped. "How could you be so stupid!"
"So you think I'm stupid?" Skyfoot meowed through gritted teeth in anger. "Yes!" Crimson spat. "You were stupid enough to fall for that flea-bag and now your stupid enough to defend him!"
She couldn't believe all of what her father was saying, but yet she could at the same time. "Why are you treating me like this!" She wailed.
"Because!" he spat. "I'm trying to protect you from yourself!" his claws dug into the ground and fury blazed in his eyes. "You fell for a tom who lives some were else, who doesn't care enough to come back and check on you, who doesn't care about you!" he snarled. "Why can't you see that?"
Wind and Sweet brought in a cat. "We found him across the lake near the boarder."
The cat thrown in the center of the camp, revealed to be Leafpelt.

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