Chapter 3

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Leafpelt got a piece of fresh kill from the fresh kill pile. He saw Jayfang and Grayfur look at him as the two ViperClan brothers look at him weird. Why are we all together? Everyone's staring at me..
The amber eyed tom picked up his squirrel and walked away and then bumped into Thrushberry dropping his squirrel. "I'm sorry.." He mewed.
"It's okay." The ViperClan medicine cat meowed.
The tom picked up his squirrel but stopped when he heard her speak again.
"I heard about what happened at the gathering... Rosetail told me." The white and black spotted she-cat mewed.
He flattened his ears, expecting the same reaction everycat was giving him. "I think it's nice that you found a cat to makes you happy..." Thrushberry spoke.
The WolfClan warrior turned to face her, ears perked. "You're not disappointed...?"
"I mean it's no cat of your Clan but like I said I'm glad.." She mewed.
His ears flattened again. "That didn't answer my question.." The tan patched tom mewed with the squirrel in his jaws.
"I just said-" The ViperClan medicine cat began but was cut off when Leafpelt padded away.
"I'm going to go eat my squirrel..." He meowed to her as he walked away to a spot in camp, lowered himself on hie belly and began to eat.
Tallclaw returned from a patrol with Whiteshimmer, Windpaw, and Crowflight. Feralstorm followed behind along with Hazelheart, Larkstep, and Stunpaw.
Redpaw bounded to his sister. "How was the patrol?"
"Pretty boring but a good one I guess." Stunpaw replied.
Dustytail stood up to stretch and padded near the camp entrance. "I'm going to go get a drink."
Dustytail padded out of the camp and by the lake that separated the Clans. He bent down to lap some water then padded back to camp.
His clanmate Bramble Claw padded up to him. "Whiteshimmer says you need clean around camp a little." The dark brown speckled tom mewed.
Dustytail padded passed him. "In my day we never complained when we did some work.." He mrowed.
Crowflight rolled his eyes. "I'm coming." He meows briskly. Crowflight follows Dustytail.
They rearranged the nests in the nursery as the kits played around with the apprentices.
"Be careful kits." Bluejay mewed to her two she-kits
"Yes mama!" Frostkit squeaked as she and her sister played together.

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