Chapter 12

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Leafpelt saw his kits playing happily, batting at a butterfly in camp.
Howlingkit padded up to his father. "Dad? Can I go on an adventure like a real warrior?" He asked.
"You'll have to grow a little bigger first my son." He replied with a kind purr.
"What he'll really need is a clean pelt." Skyfoot meowed, beginning to give her son a bath.
"Mom!" The light green eyed kit whined.
Thunder crashed the sky in a boom as loud as a monster.
Silverkit and Reedkit huddled close to their father. "Dad, I'm scared..." The tan and white tom whimpered.
Silverkit twitched her small whiskers."It was only a bit of-" She was cut off by another boom of thunder, nuzzling deeply into her father's chest fur.
"It's alight kits," Leafpelt purred sweetly. "Me and your mother will always be right here."
"Promise?" Howlingkit asked looking up at Skyfoot.
"We promise." She mewed kindly, giving her son a lick between the ears. Howlingkit smiled up at his mother.
Skyfoot began to remember the words Bramble had said just when they were born. The howling dawn, the sharp reed, and the silver wing of a bird..
Her kits... They were prophesied! But what for? Something dangerous? Something of benefit?

The sky began to have a pinkish glow as the sun shown lightly. Lion padded up to the great rock out of the den. "I honor my sister, as she is gone now and I grieve for her.."
The cats all looked up at him. His fur ruffled but clinging to his pelt at the same time. His eyes cloudy with grief.
"She was a good cat... May she be at peace." The dark brown tom meowed and padded down the rock and back into the den, but almost slowly as if he were a stalky badger. Not to mention the fact his fur looked as if it were sliding from his bones.
Leafpelt began to feel sympathy for the AshClan leader.

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