Chapter 8

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She looked out to the camp. "I'm not sure... I need time to think.." Skyfoot confessed.
"Aww!" Reedkit squeaked. "I thought we were going somewhere new!"
"I wanna explore!" Silverkit meowed with the stomp of a paw.
"Me too!" Howlingkit wailed in a pout.
Reedkit stared up at his father. "Is Leafpelt staying to live with us?" He mewed, hope shining in his amber eyes.
Leafpelt gazed at Skyfoot then to Lion. He dipped his head. "The choice is up to you."
Leafpelt gazed down at his kits, thinking of his father and sister. He turned and touched his nose to Skyfoot's ear. "I-I believe my kits need me more."
"Yay! Dad's living with us!" Silverkit cheered as she and her siblings playfully tackled their father and started climbing on top of him.
Leafpelt let out a purr as he gently pawed at his kits.
Lion leaped up. "All gather!" He called. The warriors of AshClan all gathered around, wondering why Lion had called them.
"We have a cat joining us today."
Leafpelt gazed at the AshClan cats and pressed against Skyfoot.
Just then, three cats had burst into camp. Crimson bristled. "Gorseclaw!"
"AshClan! I have come to take over!" The black and white tom hissed.
"Never!" Lion yowled.
Pikefang padded up to him.
"Good my son, attack this foolish tom!" Crimson demanded.
The short russet tom stood beside Gorseclaw. "I'm sorry father, for I am following his orders now."
All of their eyes went wide while Crimson's stared the widest of them all. "My son, just what is the meaning of this..?" He mewed.
"You see cats of this pathetic Clan," Gorseclaw began. "He came to me saying his loyalties no longer lie with any of you..."
Leafpelt moved an eye and it widened to see a WolfClan and ViperClan cats watching from the shadows.
Lion stared up to see the moon almost full. "AshClan attack!" He demanded. Cats charged for them.
Gorseclaw weaved through the cats and pinned Lion down. "I've had it with you and how you lead this clan. Accepting help! You honestly think you have the power to put this clan under your paw, all because you're the great AshClan! My mother made your Clan great!" He declared.
"WolfClan! ViperClan attack!" Two voices yowled as they charged in chasing Gorseclaw to a clearing near the gathering place in the heart of the forest. Night fell as it was time for the battle prophesied to begin.
Cats piled onto Gorseclaw in a frenzy of claws and fangs. Fang bit hard on his son's hind leg. The tom's amber eyes burned into angered slits. "Say hello to your precious StarClan for me.." He snarled and bit hard on his neck.
"No!!" A voice screeched in agony. He quickly turned to see his sister Ivyleaf. Barely having time to react, she clawed up his chest and to the neck, causing the bleeding Fang to fall from his jaws but it wasn't enough for her to wound him only leaving trickles of blood.
Suddenly, cats of the Dark Forest and StarClan appeared on the battle field and began fighting as well.
They all looked up to see the moon turn red. It was truly a war then. Gorseclaw pinned the ViperClan she-cat to the ground. The rouge felt claws around his neck, moving an eye to the side to see Leafpelt.
"You..." He snarled angrily. The apprentice he had threatened the life of was now threatening the life of him.
"It's time to end this here and now.." The tan and white WolfClan warrior mewed. With a quick swipe of a paw, he clawed his neck open wider this time.
Some of the the Dark Forest cats fled like frightened rabbits, turning tails and running quickly.
"You all fools!" Growled a familiar voice.
They looked to see a chestnut pelt amongst them. Lynx..
"My son may have been killed, but don't think I am done!" She hissed and began to fade away looking back, seeing the cat non other than Feralstorm, who had defeated her in the living world.
"I will seek refuge.." Lynx hissed.
StarClan cats stood. The charcoal starry pelt of Duskstar, the reddish-brown starry pelt of Red, the starry brown and gray pelt of the ViperClan warrior Flint, the dark brown starry pelt of Crescentwing, a silver and white pelt of Moonfur, and other StarClan warriors.
"It is finished..." Duskstar meowed.
"Father!" Ivyleaf wailed.
"My son... I'm so sorry..." Crimson murmured in sadness. Looking at the wounded body of his son.
The StarClan warriors faded and the red moon slowly turned to it's pure white glow, leaving the living warriors of WolfClan, AshClan, and ViperClan, to hear nothing but chirping crickets in the dead of night on the blood soaked grassy gathering place.

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