Chapter 23

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Skyfoot stared up to the night sky. She felt a tail touch her shoulder. The she-cat, ready to claw whoever it was, stopped herself to see her beloved mate Leafpelt. "Tigerclaw told me that Thrushberry said that there was nothing more they could do.." He mewed somberly.
All was silent for the exception of some chirping crickets.
The blue eyed she-cat remembered the group of cats hauling him away to AshClan's camp;she, Birchstar, Onestar, Feralstorm, and Whiteshimmer all gave the grave news to Lion and Crimson of AshClan. Her father had no way to react except that he had just stared down at his deceased son, with an almost unreadable emotion. Lion had dipped his head respectfully, giving thanks to them for all they done as Birchstar told them such.

The she-cat stared down. "I don't know what to think..."
Fawnkit looked up. "The stars are so pretty! Is Pikefang one of them?" She asked her mother in great curiosity.
"Hush my darling Fawnkit, I was told that this is a silent night.." Her mother's mew coming from the nursery.
"Oh, okay mama." The fawn colored kit meowed.
Skyfoot gazed up in wonder. Stormkit padded up. "I'm sorry about Pikefang.." The kit mewed sympathetically.
"Do not be sorry for me young one.. Do not be sorry.." She meowed to the black and white pelted kit gently. As much as the AshClan she-cat hated to say that, she was right. No cat should feel sorry at all. Even if he was her brother;her kin, the things he had done to her were... Almost unforgivable in her eyes.

Stormkit played around camp. He began to remember his life in the small patch of clearing before he joined the Clans. His father had compared him to his brother and sister again. He saw the ViperClan warrior Ivyleaf. She was the kindest cat the kit had known as she and him were not just kin, but also family.

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