Chapter 5

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Hollyflight, Tigerclaw, Willowpelt, and Thrushberry were treating cats that got little to minor casualties from the fight earlier.
Larkstep turned to Leafpelt. "This is all your fault!" She hissed at him.
"Larkstep!" Her mother Silverleap yowled, almost appalled by her outburst.
Leafpelt flattened his ears in shame. Was it really his fault?
Hazelheart ran her tail along Leafpelt's spine. "It's not at all your fault."  She mewed softly. "Don't listen to Larkstep."
"Yeah right... Dad's mad at me... And what happened is probably making Skyfoot miserable and it's my fault.." He whimpered sadly.
Hazelheart shot a furious glance at Larkstep. "Don't say that, we will get through this together." She meowed sympathetically.
"Yeah," The amber eyed tom mewed with a sigh. "I'm going on a walk..." He mewed.
"Okay." Hazelheart said quietly. She glanced at Leafpelt, and then padded over to the fresh kill pile to get a thrush. Hazelheart nibbled at her prey, not very hungry. She was worrying about Leafpelt. Hazelheart abandoned her prey. "I'm gonna go look for him." Ivyleaf mepwed to her and padded off to do so. Hazelheart walked over to the Warriors den and fell asleep.

Leafpelt padded around the forest. He saw a small little shape. It was a kit. He padded up towards it. "Hey little guy.."
The small amber eyed kit flinched as he starred up at him, starting to back away in fear. She padded to see Leafpelt and Stormkit. She padded up to him. "Leafpelt?
Stormkit shrank back as he saw another cat walk towards him.
"Stormkit..." Ivyleaf mewed.
"How do you-" Leafpelt began but was stopped.
"That's not important. Stormkit... Why are you not with your mother or Gorseclaw...? And out here?" She mewed.
Leafpelt stared at the kit wanting an answer as well. "You should be with your family-"
Stormkit blinked at the two cats and took a deep breath. "I would like to join your clan!" He mews as loudly as he can.
"Wh-what..?" The two warriors mutter at the same time.
"That's right!" He meows proudly. "I want to join your clan!" Stormkit puffs his chest out proudly.
"But your family.." Ivyleaf meowed in utter shock by the kit's request.
"My dad always yells at me.." Stormkit mumbled. "And he's likes Fawnkit and Sootkit more so it's not like he would notice.." He mewed.
She saw in Stormkit's eyes that he almost didn't care.
Ivyleaf heard a slight boom of thunder and gently grabbed her nephew by the scruff. "Come little Stormkit.." Leafpelt looked at her. "Uh, are you sure this is a good idea Ivyleaf?" He mewed in an uncertain tone.
Stormkit meowed happily. "Yay! I'm living with you!"
Ivyleaf saw a StarClan cat. It was a charcoal black tom "A kit of the storm will heal the stars.." He mewed in a whisper and faded away.
"What was that?" Stormkit asked with his eyes wide.
"That was a StarClan warrior." She mewed, making an assumption in the back of her mind that his father, Gorseclaw, never told him of these things before.
"Wow!" Stormkit meowed excitedly. "He looked so wise."
She and Leafpelt padded with Stormkit back to camp.

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