Chapter 20

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Leafpelt, Skyfoot, Howlingpaw, Reedpaw, and Reedpaw came in camp. "Wow! I've never seen so many cats!" Howlingpaw cheered in awe. Leafpelt licked Skyfoot's muzzle then bounded towards his sister, mother, and father. "We've missed you so much.." Lightspot mewed.
The tan and white tom purred. "Mom, dad, Hazelheart... This is my mate Skyfoot;and my kits, Howlingpaw, Reedpaw, and Silverpaw." He mewed. Reedpaw looked as if he were going to shrink back beside his mother.
Howlingpaw bounded towards them. "Hello!" He greeted.
Feralstorm purred in amusement. "Hello young Howlingpaw." He mewed. Mossfur ran up to them. "Wow!! Apprentices! Flintclaw! Brindlefrost! Look!" She yowled, hardly containing her excitement as her siblings walked forward.
Silverpaw stared up. "You're all so big." The gray she-cat meowed in awe.
"We're warriors." The black and white mottled ViperClan warrior she-cat meowed blankly.
Hazelheart nuzzled her brother. "I'm glad you are here."
Leafpelt saw Darkshadow brining prey to Lillytail. "What's going on?"
"Oh! Lillytail had her kits!" Liontail chirped, sharing tongues with her daughter.
"What are their names?" He asked his father.
"She and Darkshadow decided on Mudkit and Badgerkit. A black and white tom kit and a tan mottled she-kit.." Feralstorm replied. "Crowkit looked like she was happy to have two new siblings."
"That's nice." The tom meowed.
"All of the apprentices are warriors now and all of us are doing fine." Hazelheart explained.
"Oh?" Leafpelt meowed with interest. "One moment." He padded off to go give his mate a gentle lick.
"I'll go see if I can check on Pikefang." The she-cat meowed and walked to the medicine cat's den as she was being led by Leafpelt.
She padded in to see the tom sprawled on his side. "Oh brother my brother..." The blue/gray she-cat meowed.
Leafpelt gently put his tail tip on his mate's shoulder sympathetically.

Whiteshimmer padded up to Birchstar. "Feralstorm let his grandkits play with Grayfeather and Silverflight's kits."
"That is nice. Happy kits does do us all some good." The amber eyed leader meowed cheerily.
Finchkit and Frostkit bounded around the camp. "Can't catch me Frostkit!" The yellow eyed tabby kit squeaked.
"I can too Finchkit!" Her sister declared. "I'm as fast as a cobra!"
"The boundless energy of youth." Birchstar meowed happily in a sigh.
Grayfeather smiled. "Be careful my darlings!" She meowed.
"We are mama!" Frostkit meowed in a high pitched squeak.

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