Chapter 19

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Crimson looked on in shock. Then to the WolfClan and ViperClan cats. "This is all your doing!" He sneered at them. Thrushberry and Willowpelt ran towards the tom.
Willowpelt looked Pikefang over. "We know what to do-"
"I don't need your stupid help! Leave me to die!!" Pikefang spat.
"At least let me attempt before the poison spreads!" The tan and white tabby she-cat
"That is poisonous?!" Wind shrieked, referring to the thing that bit Pikefang as the two medicine cats took him into camp and in the den as Thrushberry had gotten all of the herbs they needed to treat him.

Crimson's muscles bunched as he got in a crouch. Fury in his eyes. "AshClan attack!" He leaped through the small tunnel that lead to the entrance of camp and pounced on Feralstorm.
The tan tabby warrior clawed his cheek and kicked him off with his back legs to get him off of him. He bit on his right front leg growling and hissing in anger.
Onestar snarled angrily. "Always wanting to pick with us you lot are... WolfClan! Chase them away! Get them away from here!" He demanded as himself and Birchstar had the same enraged looks in their amber eyes. WolfClan and ViperClan warriors and apprentices chased them away from camp.
Then, it seemed as if all of AshClan was leaping across the creek lake fight beside Crimson and the rest of their clanmates. Which they were. At the sound of a battlecry, cats from all three of the clans flung themselves at one another almost. The forest was filled with the sound of screeching cats. In the middle of the cats biting and clawing at one another, a massive dark brown tom ran in with a mortified expression. Staring at them. "Enough!!" He roared as loud as the creature that gave him his name.
A shill and fearful wail came from Whitemane. "Onestar!"
He had a cut in his neck. He remained unconscious for a moment then opened his eyes to draw in a breath. "I only lost my 3rd life my love," The ginger and white ton soothed. "I am fine."
"Remember that cat that was bit!" A tan tabby ViperClan warrior she-cat spat. "That means we'll kill as many of your Clanmates as we need to until you give up."
A young black and gray she-cat pawed hhsr head. "Shut it Ryenose!" She hissed to him.
"Sorry Mossfur.." She mrowed in a low tone.
Maple snorted. "Typical WolfClan! You make things harder for us!"
"You and your precious StarClan!" Hissed a cat.
Dustytail bristled. "You come near our boarders and insult us.." The tan mottled tabby tom meowed.
Jadepelt padded up to stand by her mate.
"Leave this territory!" Fallentooth snarled, his reddish brown pelt standing on end. Leafpelt looked around him. Anger filled eyes. Claws unsheathed;pelts bristling with fury at one another.
He saw his mother, Lightspot's light tan and white pelt. Next to his father, Feralstorm as Hazelheart was standing by Ashfire and Fallentooth. The cats went to their own territories, while Leafpelt stood still where he was. He heard paws behind him. It was Skyfoot and his kits. "My father told me what happened to Pikefang... I figured you were going to stay behind with your clan and offered to look after him and I'm coming with you." She mewed as the family padded towards the camp.

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