Chapter 17

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A shrill wail sounded in camp. "My kits! My kits!" A voice wailed.
It was Brindle!
Lion leaped about to find the dappled she-cat panicking in the den where they care for kits. He gasped. They were gone!
"Pikefang! Crimson! Blaze! Leafpelt! Wind and Maple! Find those kits! Search for them! Search every stretch of land!" The dark brown tom demanded. "After Sleet and Primrose, there's no way we're loosing any other cat while I am leader!" He vowed.
"I might just know where they are!" Pikefang declared.
"Lead the way my son!" Crimson demanded as they all exited camp and burst into the forest.
Blaze sniffed the air. "Their scent leads to that way!" The she-cat meowed in a hiss.
"But that's where the other clans are.." Leafpelt mewed.
"Exactly..." The short tom meowed, looking almost up at the tan and white splotched tom.
"Follow me!" Crimson meowed as they each steadily and carefully padded across the stepping stones. While Leafpelt, did the same then leaped over the last few of them.
"This way!" Pikefang ordered.
Leafpelt leaped in front of them as they all stopped in halts on their paws. "Are you suggesting that WolfClan and--or ViperClan took Flame, Pebble, Apple, and Shadow?" He exclaimed in almost shock, watching each warrior closely.
"Yes! Now move it!" The russet tom shoved the warrior away and charged towards camp. The rest all reared behind to find the kits in camp!
"I told you!" Pikefang snarled.
"The kits!" Wind hissed angrily glaring at the WolfClan and ViperClan warriors.
"They would never do that!" Leafpelt yowled.
A tan tabby she-cat bounded up to them. "What are you lot doing here!"
"Ryenose! Step back!" Lostbird demanded.
"AshClan!" Crimson declared in an angered yowl looking to his clanmates and a worried Leafpelt then back at the cats. "Attack!"
"Wait!" A voice meowed. The cats all looked to see a ginger and white warrior she-cat. "Does anyone else find it odd that as four little kits wandered into camp, they just happened to come crashing to our territory like badgers for them?" She meowed, pointing her tail to the AshClan cats who were still standing at the entrance of their camp.
"My daughter?" Onestar, the WolfClan leader meowed.
"Splashfur's probably right dad," his other daughter mewed then padded forward to stand by her. "What if this is a plan for them to get back at us for something they started themselves?"
Maple had a disgusted look on her face. "If you think we did this.. You're the ones who-" She was interrupted mid-speech by Leafpelt.
"How dare you blame them?" He hissed.
"The kits are in their camp!" Wind replied.
"That suspiciously sounds like sounds like disloyalty to AshClan Leafpelt!" Blaze growled.
"I knew I couldn't trust you!" Pikefang yowled. "Get the kits!"
They each ran into camp and got a kit in their jaws, claws and fangs from WolfClan and ViperClan warriors raking their pelts as the kits fell from their jaws and ran out of camp to Maple and Wind.
Leafpelt didn't move as he was blocking Pikefang. "Waiting to fight against me beside WolfClan, are you?" Pikefang spat. "I knew I couldn't trust you. Let me say this, Leafpelt. You won't ever be welcomed in
AshClan again!" He yowled as he clawed the tom. "You stinking furball!"
"A tip.. When you make threats, you better be ready to carry them out!" He spat.
Crimson ran up and barreled into him. "Don't you dare attack my son!"
The amber eyed warrior looked at him in dismay. After he had left his old clan, came to AshClan to fight for his life, stayed with Skyfoot to raise his kits until they were apprentices, he still didn't trust him?
"He betrayed you once and he's doing it again now!" Leafpelt yowled. "Don't you see?! He's played you into some sort of trap to blame them!"
Crimson looked at him in disbelief then up to his son. "My son... You betrayed me again..?" He stammered.

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