Chapter 2

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Skyfoot was with her kits in a small patch of clearing as the rain was starting to clear up. Sweet was beside her. "Careful younglings." Sweet mewed to three kits.
"We are!" Howlingkit chirped happily. Silverkit was looking around the clearing in awe as she was splayed on Skyfoot's flank so that she couldn't move. Reedkit leaped on her back humorously. "I got you Silverkit!"
"Hey!" The silver she-kit squeaked.
The two started chasing each other. A rustle sounded over in the bushes. Skyfoot beckoned her kits to come to her with a worried flick of her tail. They rushed over to her. "Mama... I'm scared.." Howlingkit mewed in a frightened whisper.
"Hush my darlings..." The pale blue/gray mother purred gently hushing her frightened kits.
Out appeared a siamese she-cat. "What's wrong?" She asked them in amusement.
"Don't scare us like that Primrose for starters.." Sweet mewed in annoyance. Reedkit felt a raindrop fall on his nose. "What's this stuff mama?" The small tan and white kit mewed curiously staring up at the cloudy but also sunny sky.
"It's called rain." She mewed to her son.
"It's wet.." Silverkit commented.
"Lets get you three back to AshClan. We don't want you sick from this weather now." Skyfoot meowed as she picked up Reedkit in her jaws by the scruff while the other two carried her other son and daughter by their scruffs as well.
"Can I ask you two something?" She mewed as they reached the camp, setting her daughter down while the other two AshClan she-cats set the kits down while ran and played.
"Sure." The siamese she-cat mewed. "Yeah anything Skyfoot." The ginger she-cat said.
"Are you happy for me that I have kits?" The blue eyed she-cat mewed started to sound almost somber.
"Of course we are! Skyfoot why are you asking us this?" Primrose mewed.
"Everyone's been looking at me... And my father's been crestfallen with me.." She whimpered in sadness.
"It's what you get." A voice meowed in dark satisfaction.
"Shut it Pikefang!" Primrose hissed, baring her fangs at the russet colored tom.
"I'm only saying that I was right about her keeping something from everycat.." He mewed.
"If you don't bunch it you louseymouse..." Sneered a voice.
They all turned to see Maple. "I will personally sit on you!" She spat.
Pikefang snorted. "Whatever.." He mumbled and walked out of camp.
"I swear that brother of yours is something..." Maple mewed angrily to Skyfoot.
"Trust me... I know..." The pale blue/gray she-cat mewed with an edge watching her brother leave.
Skyfoot felt something paw her tail. She looked to see a creamish tabby pelt. "Hello my little Howlingkit." Skyfoot mewed sweetly, her edging tone gone.
"See, don't every think kits are something to be crestfallen about." Sweet meowed softly.
Blaze was playing with Silverkit and Reedkit. "Try to catch me!" She yowled with glee.
"Trust me.. I won't.." The blue eyed mother meowed.

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