A bit of action

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          A L L I S O N

I searched everywhere but couldn't find her. Her bed was empty, she wasn't in the kitchen... She wasn't any where. Scott! If I call Scott he can find her. "Hey Scott there's a bit of a problem. I can't find..." I began before his voice finished for me. "Lydia!" He said sounding shocked. "Yeh how did you know?" I asked curiously. "No she's here. But she's not speaking it's like she's paralysed but she isn't because she's walking" he spoke with a tint of worry in his voice. "I'll be over straight away Scott" I rushed out before ending the call and running to my car.
I arrived to Scotts house and saw Stiles' jeep meaning that the whole pack must be here. But that means this is really bad. I rushed through the door to see them all surrounding the table with Melissa leaning over what looked like a person. "LYDIA!" I screamed making everyone turn around creating a gap so that I could see through. There was blood everywhere and cuts all over her. "Oh my god what happened?" I cried. "Hey Alli we're trying as best as we can but we don't know what happened just yet" Scott told me whilst wrapping his arms around me. Kira looked to the ground awkwardly because she liked Scott and everyone knew it except Scott himself. I looked to Stiles and saw his eyes were red and he was just staring at Lydia's pale body. "How's he doing?" I asked the pack nodding my head towards stiles knowing that he would be devastated. "I don't know. He hasn't spoke a word to us only to Lydia and he won't let any of us near them when he's speaking to her." Malia told me. I nodded my head walking towards Stiles and Lydia. "Hey Lydia please wake up I need my bestfriend just please wake up I need you" I whispered to her. Stiles looked at me and smiled slightly before turning his head back to Lydia. "I need you to Lydia. Not just now but I will always need you" Stiles added as tears dropped from his face. "Hey. Stiles" I muttered. He looked at me and I threw my arms around him to hug him. He returned the gesture and when we let go i spoke again. "You looked like you needed it" I mumbled. "You did too" he replied. "I think I need it too" a small, Croaky voice whimpered. "LYDIA!" Stiles and I shouted in sync. The pack rushed to the table as I threw my arms around my bestfriend. "What happened Lydia? I thought I lost you"  I cried into her shoulder. "Don't worry about me Allison. But I don't remember what happened I was just walking around the streets one minute and then here the next" she squeaked. Scott stepped forwards "okay Lydia get some rest now" he informed her as she nodded and closed her eyes and slipped off into an immediate sleep. "When I find who did this to her I'm going to beat them with... With my bat and kill them" Stiles raged. "Okay buddy calm down we will find who did this but we won't beat or kill them" Scott insisted. "We're going to go to school and act like normal teenagers and were going to protect the town but Lucas that doesn't mean you beat people up for others and Liam I want you to help Lucas control his anger like you did" he added. Everyone nodded and then headed to school.

Who/what hurt Lydia? Omg Stiles being protective!!

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