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"Thanks for explaining everything to me" Maya said. "Well it was hard for me to get around all of the supernatural when I was turned and I figured that since your Riley's friend it would be nice to help out" I explained. She smiled at me "speaking of Riley, could you explain something else to me?" She asked. I furrowed my eyebrows but agreed "I saw you two. I saw the looked in your eyes when you saw her and the sparkle of humanity when she saw you. How do you feel about her?" She queried. "I.. Dont know" i lied, looking down to the tiled floor. "Yes you do" maya chirped. I chuckled "well i think... I love her" i stuttered. "You hardly know her" she assumed. "We spent a lot of time together and we've had a few moments, you wouldn't understand" i sighed. "Then make me understand, tell me about the moments" she pleaded.

"May i have this dance Miss Matthews?" I asked, i had seen her sitting alone at a carnival listening to the music blaring. She looked at my out stretched hand. "You may Mr Friar" she giggled. She touched my hand and an electrifying jolt shook through my body. The DJ played 'thinking out loud' as i had requested. We walked to the dance area as i grazed my thumb along her hand. I pulled her closer to my body as we swayed to the song. She smiled and it was contagious as my own lips curved upwards. I spun her around and then dipped her making her giggle and gush. I brought her back up as the song was nearing to an end.
"Thankyou lucas" she said in her gentle voice.
"What for?" I asked.
"Paying attention when i was alone. Your always there for me. Thank you" she whispered in a tired voice. I smiled at her "always" as she lay her head to rest on my shoulder and it suddenly felt as if the whole world had frozen and time had stopped, it was just me her and the music.

[Flashback over]
Maya smiled at me and her eyes shone, intrigued. I sensed that she wanted more and so i told her another one.

I was on my way back from hanging out with the guys when I saw her. She was walking down the street and she looked beautiful as the heavy rain fell onto her. She was shivering and wasn't wearing a jacket. I observed her for a moment as she stopped and just stared at the sky. "Hey, Riley" I shouted. She turned her head and stared at me, she squinted her eyes "Lucas?" She yelled. I ran over to her and stood beside her. "What are you doing here?" I asked. She looked up to the sky. "I was out for food. Don't you think the rain is beautiful?" She gushed. I smiled all I wanted to say was that I thought she was beautiful but I was too afraid. "Here your freezing" I said offering her my jacket. "Its yours" she objected. "I haven't got far to go now anyway and you have goosebumps" I pointed out. She sighed before taking the jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders. "Here I'll walk you home" I offered. "Your a really good friend Lucas" she smiled. I placed my arm around her and it felt like it was where it needed to be. It was the best feeling I had ever felt in my life.

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