let it in

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~third person~

Allison left the room Riley was resting in and closed the door gently. She leaned her back against it and sighed. "How is she?" Lucas asked worriedly "she's fine. She woke up not knowing where she was but went back to sleep" Allison explained. Scott placed his arms around her to comfort her. "What happened?" Kira asked as she had been in the other room when it occurred. Scott released Allison and spoke softly "I don't know but Lydia was just the same as Riley ... Their eyes went black, they were in a trance and then passed out" "oh my god I forgot! Hows Lydia doing?" Allison panicked "stiles is with her she's gone back to sleep" malia informed them. "I hope they're gonna be okay" Allison mumbled.
Whilst the pack was talking there attention had been taken off of Riley who was starting to shake uncontrollably and mumble in her sleep.


The darkness suffocated me as tears streamed down my face. "NO! PLEASE STOP!" I cried but they didn't listen. I tried to run but I always ended up in the same place. I started to choke for air as the claws scratched at my wrists. "What are you?" I screamed trying to run away. There eyes glowed from a bright orange, to a light sapphire blue, to the deepest of them all... Blood red. "Let the darkness in" a voice grumbled from the darkness. "Who's there?!" I cried spinning around to see Lydia standing there. A dark shadow stood over her "LET IT IN" she suddenly shouted surprising me. But it wasn't her voice, it was deeper, darker...Eviler. "LYDIA STOP! YOUR SCARING ME" I shouted trying to run once more. But I was caught in the teeth by a beast. "Let it in! Or Lydia and your little friends Die" she spoke again. Fog started to mist up. I couldn't breath as I saw my sister being surrounded by the beasts along with my best friend. I started to panic. I have to keep them safe. "How do I let it in?" I whispered giving in to save my friends.

"Lydia?" I asked frantically as her body started to shake. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" Lydia screamed I'm her amplified banchee voice. I was shot back towards the wall making a loud crash. Scott came running into the room. "What's happening?" He asked me. I pointed towards Lydia who was still shaking but now had blood pouring from her ears. "Stay a way from the dark! Don't listen to it! Run...run now" she shouted. I just sat against the wall trying to figure out what she meant. "Scott? Scott! Quick" Allison screamed running into the room. " what's wrong?" He questioned seeing the panic in her eyes. "Its...its Riley she's... She's shaking and sc...screaming and bleeding and-" she looked at Lydia "just like ... Lydia" she mumbled taking breaths between each word.

I screamed for her to stay away. She wouldn't leave. She listened to it. She listened to me. But it wasn't really me. I don't know what it was. But she listened and that only means one thing... Something bad is bound to happen.


"Stay a way from the dark! Don't listen to it! Run...run now" Lydia's voice projected through the darkness. But the former voice returned "do it or they die! They will all die!" It shouted. "Tell me how! Tell me how to let it in. Tell me how to save my friends" I yelled. "Find Theo Raeken, he has two viles of demons blood. It is the same blood that you drank when you was a baby. One vile for you and one for Lydia" it explained. "Lydia? What does she have to do with this?" I questioned. "Go to Theo he Will explain everything" it said before I was brought back to reality...

I woke up in a room. I was on a metal bed and when I looked to my right I noticed Lydia. She seemed to have just woken up too. She seemed out of breath. "Where are we?" I groaned. "Looks like deatons" Lydia mumbled. "Why are we here?" I moaned. "The dream. It wasn't just a dream Riley. You agreed to the darkness and now we need to go to Theo" she said. "How... Wait but that means your not really Lydia" I whispered. "Right now it is really me but I tried to warn you. I tried to tell you. You didn't listen and-" she was cut off. Her face changed color and her mouth curled up into an evil smirk and I knew it was no longer her. "Let's get to Theo" she motioned.

I think this chapter is quite good so let me know if you like it or if you have any suggestions

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