I can explain

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We ran into the old building and looked in every room. There was only one left. We ran through the door and were taken aback with what we saw. Riley and Lydia were standing together with eyes that weren't theirs and they had evil smirks on their faces. "They're here" Theo yelled. They all looked at us and I was confused. But my confusion soon turned to fear as Theo grew claws and his eyes turned yellow. "Oh my god" I shouted. He pounced at Scott who had now just transformed too. Except his eyes were red. "What is going on?" I cried. "Maya it's okay. They won't hurt you but stay away from Theo, Riley and Lydia" Allison told me. I nodded my head before Liam, Malia and Lucas also turned. Kira let off a bright light as she pulled a sword from her belt and Allison pulled out a bow and arrow. I stood in shock as they all fought Theo. Suddenly I was thrown back towards the wall. I turned to see Riley with her hand out stretched. The rest of the guys ran to my side. "Leave" Riley commanded. "Give me my sister back!" Allison screamed. "I am your sister. And you can blame our parents for this its there fault" Riley bellowed. Allison backed down trying to figure out what she meant. "Please Riley. I'm your bestfriend" I pleaded. "Your nothing to me" she said, I saw her eyes flicker to Lucas as I saw a little bit of her old self but she looked away quickly and returned to darkness. "Now leave" Lydia demanded. "Not without my sister" Allison cried. Suddenly a voice sounded through my head making me leave. We got all the way back to mine and Allison's house when suddenly Scott spoke up "they can mind control and have witch powers! What are they?". I looked around "what the heck is going on?!" "I'll explain it to Maya" Lucas offered. "And I'll find out what my parents know" Allison suggested.

So yes guys Lucas is a were wolf. I had a great idea for the next chapter so I'm looking forward to writing it and hopefully it will turn out as good as it sounds in my head.

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