How dare you?!

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I stepped towards him, anger rising in my body. "How could you?" I cried pushing him back. I pointed my finger in her face "and you? Both of you are dead to me" I said whilst the tears poured down my face. "Allison. Let us explain" she pleaded. I laughed in her face "you are nothing to me" I spat. "Allison! We are still your parents" my dad yelled "and you sold my sister to the devil!" I screamed. He looked down as she stroked his back. "Don't think I don't know mum" I snickered, she looked taken aback. Soon her face hit realisation "Allison, please" she said stepping forwards. I stepped towards my dad "she. Your wife, my mother" I turned to her ". She isn't just my mother. She isn't just Riley's mother. My mum is a slut" her hand struck me across the face. I laughed sucking my breath in "she's seeing someone else dad. She has a child with him" I revealed. His eyes glistened with tears as my mum looked at me embarrassed. "Go to your room" my mother said calmly. I turned and reached the stairs. "He isn't the only one either" I said before running to my room. I slammed the door and slid to the floor. I heard shouts and then "get out of my house" it was my dad telling my mother. "What have I done? Iv Brocken my parents up" I whispered to myself. You don't need them. You just need Riley. But I don't have Riley...

Dont want it all to revolve around the possession, I want a bit more drama than that😁😉

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