I saw her with him

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'Everyday it is the same now. I wake up, go to school see the same people over and over and then go home and do nothing. I hope for change everyday and maybe just maybe today is that day...'
"What are you reading?" Maya asked interested by the hardback in my hand. "Hope. Hope that everything will change" I replied . "Hopes for suckers and I know life's boring right now so you gotta change that yourself don't rely on hope" she stated. I nodded my head, today I will take things into my own hands.
"Anyway enough of this deep conversation, we're gonna be late" she gestured to the clock before grabbing her things and leaving the room. "You coming?" She asked. I nodded "yeh"
          S T I L E S
I hadn't  slept in days trying to find out what happened to Lydia. Something happened and it didn't look like the normal sort of crime so it must have been a supernatural one. That meant that it was up to the pack to solve this one. But I had no time to do that  when I still had to go to school. Which is where I should have been when I was still working on the case. "Stiles. Get to school" my Dad moaned getting tired of me. He knew about the supernatural so I didn't have to hide anything from him. "Okay okay I'm going" I surrendered. My dad looked closely at my crime bored and then spoke softly "I know how much you care about Lydia but you need to sleep I can help with the case just promise you'll rest" he worried. I nodded "okay thanks dad" "now get to school " he spoke. I quickly left to my jeep.
Once I arrived at the school I walked to my locker.

"I heard there's a new boy" Maya exclaimed excitedly. I laughed "change. Maybe hope isn't for suckers" I chuckled. Maya shook her head "trust me it's still for suckers" she chimed. "Hey Riley" a deep voice spoke. I spun my head around to see a dirty blonde haired, forest green eyed guy. "Hey Lucas" I smiled. Over the past few days Lucas and I had become quite good friends and even Maya seemed to get along with him... Sometimes. "Huckleberry" Maya teased. "Short stack of pancakes" Lucas taunted. Maya let out a slight growl. I giggled turning there attention back to me. Lucas stared at me intensely and I only noticed that because I was returning the favour. I don't know what it was about him but whilst we were getting close I realised how easy it was to get lost in his gorgeous eyes. Maya let out a low cough "when you guys have finished giving each other gooey eyes can we get to class" she mocked. I slapped her shoulder slightly whilst giggling. "I'll see you around Matthews" Lucas smiled. "Yeh see you around friar" I replied.

"Scott I found something" I bellowed to him from the computer. Scott rushed over to me. "What is it?" He questioned. "Lydia wasn't the only one hurt that night. Take a look. Jennifer Morrison was attacked but nobody knows what by" I told him. "Why don't they just ask her" he said. "Scott she was attacked and torn apart. She was killed by this thing which means it doesn't care what happens" I told him. He sighed "we need to find this thing now" I agreed and then we walked out of the library where we saw Lydia but she wasn't alone. She was with Jackson which is normal because he's her boyfriend. That didn't mean it hurt any less. I have always and will always love Lydia Martin no matter what and Jackson treats her like crap anyway. "I don't know what she's doing with him" I gritted my teeth as I spoke. "She loves him" Scott said. I cringed at the word 'love' she didn't 'love' him. I saw the look on her face as he leaned in to kiss her. I saw her hesitate slightly. I saw her pull away sooner than usual. But it didn't stop the fact that I saw her with him...

I rushed to maths alongside Maya hoping not to be late when I bumped into a muscular chest knocking me down to the ground. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" the person spoke. I looked up to see a handsome brown haired guy who blew me away. I saw Maya's jaw open making me giggle. The hot mess extended his arm to help me up. "I'm Theo" he spoke with such a masculine voice it made me swoon. "Riley" I replied. "I'm new here could you maybe help me out" he asked looking embarrassed which just made him cuter. "Sure where you headed handsome" I asked. My eyes widened once I realised what I had said. Theo chuckled "maths rm14" Maya smiled "that's where we're going" "great Maybe I can walk with you" he asked. I nodded "sure" I realised we were still holding hands. Theo did too and we both turned red.

I saw them holding hands. I saw them blushing. I saw her with him. And my heart was breaking. I didn't know why I felt this way. Maybe I was just being a protective friend? Maybe I was just looking out for her? I don't know. But I was hurting. Badly. I saw them let go off each others hands whilst Still smiling. As they all headed off to class I saw them exchanging glances. I didn't understand how I felt at all.

I haven't checked this over so I'm sorry if there are mistakes. Hopefully you can understand this?
In this book Theo is not bad! He's just a new boy but he does become very important.
Is Lucas just a protective friend?
Omg poor stiles😢 I love stydia so much.

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